Friday, May 28, 2010

Almost there!

It's just about two weeks to go now until my husband and I and my parents will go to China! Time really flies past.
I have most things settled for the trip. Got my Chinese visa earlier this week and have planned or already bought the things that I'm going to bring on my vacation both for myself and gifts for my in-laws. I just need to find some more summer clothes and possibly one more pair of nice looking shoes that are both cool (as in not covering too much), light (in case I don't wear them on the flights) and comfortable enough to be worn for a whole day and not JUST when going out to have dinner. It's easier said than done to find something, but lets face it, I haven't really looked too much either yet ;)

My husband and I are driving up to Gothenburg on Thursday afternoon to visit the Chinese consulate on Friday morning to have our translated and stamped marriage certification legalized by the consulate so we can use it in China and register our marriage in China too! It would have been oh so easy if that paper could have been legalized by the consulate or embassy here in Copenhagen, but since the document is issued in Sweden, it has to be legalized by the embassy or consulate in Sweden, and the consulate in Gothenburg is the closest to us in Sweden.
Nevertheless, it's a good 3-4 hours drive to go there! Fortunately my parents live not far from Gothenburg, so we're just going to my hometown and take a day trip to Gothenburg to fix our document. And since we're going over to Sweden in the coming week, we'll just do our last minute shopping in Gothenburg instead of going over to Malmö for shopping next weekend (which was the original plan until finding out we needed to go to the consulate in Gothenburg).

Oh, and you may wonder why I'm blogging at this time of the day as I'd normally work until 5pm (3.20pm now). I'm home from work today due to a bad shoulder pain this morning which made it difficult to even lift my arm, along with some pretty bad blisters on my feet and generally not feeling too well. Could say I finally listened to my body eh?

I'm still struggling with my stomach pain too. Yesterday I had been in pain continuously for 5 months! Which reminds me that I really need to see a doctor before going to China. The OTC painkillers I'm taking now is just not doing it for me! I stick to them anyways now since they're anti-inflammatory and my stomach pain is not unlikely to be caused by Endometriosis and if that's the case, anti-inflammatory generally works better. Ibuprophen works a bit, but it's just not strong enough to make me pain free. So I hope to get something better from my doctor before going on my vacation.

Oh, long post today. Time for me to rest a bit. Feels like I haven't slept for a week or something.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Just one month to go!

Today it's just one month left until I'll be flying to China together with my husband and my parents. And yesterday it had been one year since my husband and I got engaged in Suzhou, totally surprising his entire family! And today it's one year since our engagement dinner which my father-in-law arranged in a haste. Or well, the dinner was planned, but he sure got busy with his phone in the evening of may 12 when my husband and I showed the rings *teehee* He had to call all the dinner guests telling them the good news.

I'm moving out from Malmö on this Saturday. I really should prepare more for it but I'll just take it as it is and smash everything into boxes tomorrow. I'm both too tired and in too much discomfort to go over to Malmö today as well. It will be nice moving out and finally having the same address as my husband! Sure, it will be crowded to live 2 adults in a one room apartment, but heck, this apartment is 10m2 bigger than the double room we had when living together in a student dorm room, so living 2 people in a 40m2 one room apartment should work just fine.
It's only temporary anyways as we're waiting for something bigger which is closer to my work. But until we get a 3 room apartment, this will just have to do because it's so unnecessary to pay 2 rents and being together most of the time anyways.
Now we'll share his rent, and I also rent a storage room nearby for storing my things I don't need to have at home at all times. But all in all, that will save a lot of money for both of us, and it saves me about 30-45 minutes each way to and from work to leave Malmö behind once and for all.
I just hope I'll still be able to keep going to my doctor in Malmö as I've been very happy with that doctor ever since the first time needing to make an appointment.
I'll get my "own" GP here in Copenhagen as well once I've moved over with all papers too, but the GP's here generally don't sit in big clinics like the doctors in Sweden. Here most doctors just have some kind of simple reception office where they can only do simple exams and tests. You might even need to go to another place for more advanced labs! In Sweden you have everything under the same roof, including lab. It's only for X-rays you need to go to hospital, most other things can be done in the clinic itself.

Oh well, I'm rambling too much...