Saturday, September 11, 2010

I'm too old for this...

Really, I feel I'm too old to do so many things which most people in their 20's do. I turn 25 next month, but according to a test my "real" age should be 40! And I'm sad to say I do feel more like I'm 40 than about to turn 25.

I feel I'm too old for going out clubbing and such, and I've never had an interest going out.

I prefer to sit at home, relaxing in my spare time.

I like to sleep before midnight even in weekends.

I do not drink alcohol, except for the very very occasional cider and then it's only ONE at a time.

I have a full time employment since 2 years.

I'm not having any globetrotter ambitions, like backpack travel around the globe.

One of my best ways to relax is to read a good book and have a cup of tea.

I sit and complain about today's youth and get along with older people easily and always have.

Really, does my life really sound like the life of a soon 25 year old? I think not!

What I'm really longing for now is for me and my husband to move into a bigger apartment, and I'm so wanting to become a mother real soon!

If my husband was to take the "real age" test, he'd most likely not even be 20 years old. He's out late (too often, in my opinion), he's still a student who has never had more than student jobs yet and he wants to wait with having kids for a while longer.

I'm feeling the time is right to have a family, I DO NOT want to be close to 30 or over 30 when having a child! My parents were over 30 when I was born, and it is something that always bother me and pretty much makes me depressed- I have old parents! And the thoughts comes: How long will I get with them? Will they be able to babysit their grandchild and maybe bring that child out on mini vacations?

My parents age and my age, it's something constantly on my mind, and as for becoming a mother, I feel the biological clock is ticking...

It really saddens me...

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Usch, nu är det höst! September, första höstmånaden. Vill ha sommar året runt ju!

Har fortfarande inte fått min jävla iPhone 3GS från 3! Ringde senast i Måndags, och då hade de inkompetenta idioterna tappat bort min försändelse och inte ens börjat leta trots att jag ringde förra Tisdagen också. Fan, jag beställde ju telefonen i Juli! Hur jävla svårt kan det va att bara ta en returnerad försändelse som sändes till fel adress, och bara framsända den till RÄTT adress.
Börjar tröttna på att vänta nu!