Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Pollen pollen pollen!

There's a good reason I say I hate spring. I'm allergic to pollen, to many of the pollen in spring on top of that! For the past few weeks I've been sneezing and snivelling constantly without having a cold, and breathing is heavier than normal. I also get tired more easily and out of breath for seemingly nothing.
Right now there's quite a lot of pollen of various kinds outside, but I just can't stay indoor with closed windows when the weather is so nice! Even now I have the window open even though it makes me feel really unwell. But with about 12 degrees at 8.40pm I just don't want to close the window just yet.

Yesterday my husband and I bought our tickets to China, and I bought tickets for my parents too- or well, helped them to buy their tickets. So in June my husband and I and my parents are going to China! It will be my third trip to China and my parents first. My husband comes from China so for him it will be going home. And home we go, to Suzhou. June 19th will be so much more than the wedding between the Swedish crown princess Victoria and her fiance Daniel, it's also the day my husband and I will hold a dinner for his relatives and family friends to celebrate my husband and I got married last October. It will be a neat little dinner with about 100 guests or so and I will be wearing a traditional qipao dress that evening.

Now I'd better go and close that window. My nose is clogging up real bad now :(

Friday, April 9, 2010

Finding the way

Having grown up and learning to drive before the days of gps in mobile phones along with having good navigators in the family has given me the gift of never getting lost. I tend to say I might be on the wrong road but always on the right way. I have never not been able to find my way back if taking a wrong turn simply because my sense of direction is as strong as if I have a built in compass. My husband on the other hand has no sense of direction what so ever. I often call him a gps dependant, over confident grassfoot, grassfoot being a direct translation of what they call new drivers in China. Long story short, my husband can't even find his own workplace without gps and he's both been going with me and driving himself to that area as it is in the same part of town as my work. Anyways, yesterday he came to pick me up at work and we were going into Copenhagen to eat dinner at a dim sum restaurant. My husband was driving without gps which is fine when I'm in the car too :-P He missed the entrance to the highway of course but my inner feeling told me that we should just continue forward and that the road we were on would connect to a road I know very well, said and done and I was right but my husband missed the left turn and we had to go to a parking lot to turn around- no biggie. Missed another highway entrance but again my inner feeling told me we were on the right way, again I was right! My husband asked several times were the hell we were and every time I had an answer even though I had never been there before. Another few missed turns and seeing the same place twice a couple of times, we arrived our destination thanks to me more or less driving from the passenger seat. I had to tell my husband every turn and remind him to be aware of the lanes :-P GPS? Not for me and in my case it's a waste to have it in my phone. My husband couldn't find his shoes without it ;) I'm starting to wonder who grew up in the country side and who grew up in a city with millions of people... As far as I know my hometown only has 11000 people and it was less when I grew up. My husbands hometown in China is currently having a population of nearly 11 million- that's more than my entire home country! Ah, the joys of driving LOL

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