Friday, October 18, 2013

21 days post op

It's been 21 days, or 3 weeks since I had my surgery.
In general I'm doing well with recovery. Hardly any post op pain left now and for the most part my incision has healed. I just have some issues with the edges of the incision splitting up a bit on both sides out of which one was bleeding a couple of days ago. I knew my recovery was too good to be true! So, I have steri strips over the problem areas, keep an eye on things a couple of times per day and keep it clean though not overly clean as that can cause infection.
Other than the issues with healing right now. I'm also battling extreme fatigue and tire even more easily than I normally do, so I rest a lot and try to get as much sleep as I possibly can.

Have been having a rough time for a few days which is unrelated to the surgery. Had a bad POTS flare on Saturday that very nearly had me pass out and I had to text mum to come and help me, I was too weak to even make a call by the time I got back to bed where my phone was... My heart rate had jumped up with over 60bpm as I stood up and I was feeling slightly dizzy already before standing so I monitored it at the time. I underestimated how I was feeling and walked to the bathroom despite the massive heart rate increase, resulting in almost passing out in the bathroom. I'm still battling the aftermath of this, which adds to the post op fatigue and my usual fatigue.

I am not into chatting a whole lot at the moment so please don't be offended if I don't text!

Keep in mind it's only been 21 days since I had a major surgery, and I can't put my whole life on hold while recovering, which means I have errands to run and such, and even a small errand to the supermarket can have me need to nap for hours afterwards.

If it wasn't for the POTS flare aftermath and post op fatigue, I'd feel great! Pain wise I'm doing really well, much less pain now than before the surgery. I'm far from pain free, and I still have all the usual pain in my joints. But there's ONE area less that hurts as that one thing is no more, and to me that is a big win!

Just thought I'd give everyone an update. And now I shall sleep in a few minutes. Feeling exhausted despite a long nap in the evening...

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