Monday, March 31, 2014

It's a kind of magic!

Or well, more like INFERNO!

Been to one of Joe Labero's shows again, first time in over 10 years for me, but my third time seeing him performing live! Joe Labero is one of the best, if not THE BEST illusionist in the world!
The current show he has is called Inferno and it's full of smoke, fire, pyrotechnics and magic and illusions that will make your yaw drop to the floor! My parents and I were sitting in the 7th row from the stage and even that relatively far away we were hit by the heat blasts when there was fire effects on stage, and the whole room smelled of kerosene. All good though! It definitely had a very nice effect with all the fire used in the show.
Even with having seen Labero perform live in the past, he just keeps improving! He keeps developing new tricks and fine tuning the ones he already has, and he's such an amazing performer and entertainer it's very likely your yaw will be on the floor, all while you're laughing so much your face is hurting. He's always joking a lot with the audience during the shows.
Tonight I saw both old favorites, and tricks I had not seen before and I enjoyed all of it just as much. I wouldn't be surprised if I have muscle pain in my face when I wake up because I was laughing so much at the jokes and people's reaction, my arms will probably hurt quite a bit as well from all the clapping and the slight uphill to the handicap entrance of the venue- determined and stubborn as I am, I refuse to let someone push my wheelchair unless I ask for help, and I don't ask unless I really have to! I even managed in the crowd without running over anyone's feet. An audience of 1950 people tonight and all of them had to go through the same doors so it was pretty crowded when going in and out of the place.

Even with knowing some of how the tricks are done, it's so perfectly done it truly looks like it's for real, as if he's a Hogwarts student who's come out into the Muggle world, I'm sure even a professional illusionist or magician would really enjoy seeing one of Joe Labero's shows simply because how well made it is.

I really hope Labero will tour in Sweden soon again, he's very popular world wide so he's been abroad a lot for a long time now. But yeah, he is from Sweden.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

When suddenly, it hits you!

That eureka moment you've been waiting for since being laid off from work due to poor health, that eureka moment that may well be the road back to actually WORKING instead of living off disability! Most of us living on disability want nothing more than to have a real income again, money earned through working and to ensure that the pension for a future retirement will be good.

I have an idea, and if I am to say so myself, it's a pretty damn good idea though I am not going to disclose it to the public just yet! Do I think this will work out? Of course! It's all a matter of putting all the puzzle pieces together and my idea may literally help millions of people world wide, all while it's a job I can do from home, at least for the most part. Might have to travel sometimes to attend something, but should that need arise I'll just have to make sure I either travel comfortably or have time to rest for a day after traveling to a place for a meeting, and then again after the meeting before going home so I'm not in a pile of major ouch when coming home again.

If this all works out the way I want it, I will be running my own company within a not too distant future!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


It's one of those nights again... One of those nights where I can't sleep! As I'm typing this, it's already light outside and I haven't yet slept. I have tried, but gave up at least for the time being.

Insomnia and Painsomnia is relentless, plus a brain that can not just relax and go to sleep. My mind is like a washing machine during the spin cycles. There are so many things I'm wanting to do and going to do or planning to do, and then there are other things that kinda baffles me too but details on that isn't something I'll write here.
So here I am, blogging at a time of the day where I should be starting to wake up, not still be awake!

I should be going back to trying to sleep...