Monday, August 22, 2011

A random post at 3:30am

Haven't had the best of days study wise. Been difficult to focus and keep forgetting things all the time. Hate when that happens! Makes me feel more stupid than a 5 year old :( For a while I was even seriously considering to hit myself in the head with the books. That approach has helped in the past. I was hit in the head with an Atlas in 4th grade, after that I scored top marks on all geography tests ;)

Don't worry, I ended up not hitting myself in the head with my books today. I have enough headache as it is!

Oh, and it's another night of insomnia. I think I may as well enter the lottery soon and move west, maybe I'd get normal sleeping habits then!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Been a few days...

I haven't blogged for a few days now and for a good reason. My EDS or HMS is flaring, making my joints hurt more than usual along with increased fatigue and increased feeling of instability in my joints. I have been saving my ability to type for chatting with friends rather than updating my blog as my wrists are pretty bad and hands hurt.

To put it simple what this flare does to me: A couple of weeks ago I could easily walk 5-6 miles in one go. Now I nearly fall just by walking from my bedroom to bathroom or kitchen because my left knee and hip is feeling so wobbly.

I miss my long walks now, but other than that this flare doesn't bother me much.

Other than this flare, I'm doing fine. Motivation is still on top and I'm trying to study maths and physics daily, though my body won't currently let me study as much as I'd like.

Hoping my best friend will have bit more time to chat soon. Miss our long chats and talks :(

Saturday, August 13, 2011

A short post.

Sometimes you just can't control your heart's choices.

The positive things greatly outweighs any risks.

It's not without reason I say the things I say.

That is all I have to say today.

Now I shall continue to listen to music.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Planning for the future a bit

Looking up Universities in Sweden, to see if there are other schools I could imagine studying at. This far Lund University is still my first choice, now closely followed by Uppsala University. Lund is close to where I am now. Uppsala is a bit north of Stockholm on the east coast of Sweden, which would actually mean further away from home than I am now even. On the other hand, Uppsala, like Lund, is famous for the study atmosphere. Both universities are very old, the two oldest in Sweden even and Lund and Uppsala compete against each other a bit, like some of the top Universities in USA does.

I know one thing is for sure anyways. I DO NOT WANT TO STUDY IN STOCKHOLM!

I'm also looking into the possibilities to take part of my education abroad, likely in the USA. Just looking it up a bit when having nothing better to do ;)

Now I shall study some I think. The fact it's 2:09am doesn't mean a thing to me, I'm wide awake.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Well, it's official!

I'm on sick leave from work until last of September! My doctor agreed it is better for me to rest at home and pace myself as it does make me feel so much better! I'm even able to exercise now, and I do not need to take painkillers!

Other than that, I finally got my books on Tuesday and have started studying maths and physics at home :)

Monday, August 1, 2011


That's it! I've had enough! I'm changing my life, starting yesterday! Not saying more now ;)