Friday, August 19, 2011

Been a few days...

I haven't blogged for a few days now and for a good reason. My EDS or HMS is flaring, making my joints hurt more than usual along with increased fatigue and increased feeling of instability in my joints. I have been saving my ability to type for chatting with friends rather than updating my blog as my wrists are pretty bad and hands hurt.

To put it simple what this flare does to me: A couple of weeks ago I could easily walk 5-6 miles in one go. Now I nearly fall just by walking from my bedroom to bathroom or kitchen because my left knee and hip is feeling so wobbly.

I miss my long walks now, but other than that this flare doesn't bother me much.

Other than this flare, I'm doing fine. Motivation is still on top and I'm trying to study maths and physics daily, though my body won't currently let me study as much as I'd like.

Hoping my best friend will have bit more time to chat soon. Miss our long chats and talks :(

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