Saturday, November 12, 2011

It's been a while again.

I haven't blogged anything lately. Guess I've just been too busy or not in the mood or not known what to write. Thing is, I don't really know what to write today either, I just thought I'd give you all a brief update on things. Or well... A lot has changed lately! I won't be studying in Lund and I will be moving back to my hometown as soon as I possibly can- I'm currently in Q for an apartment there. My health situation is scaring people who care about me. I can't be this far away from family all by myself. In the past few weeks I have had dizzy episodes with loss of vision and hearing and numbness of arms and legs, it's by pure will power I managed to not pass out! My doctor and I are currently trying to find out what's causing me to nearly pass out. It has been happening from time to time since my teens, but it's gotten worse now. I will wear a heart monitor for three days in beginning of December, maybe that will give some more answers, a regular EKG didn't say much last week. Joints are still as loose and floppy, my net sister even suggested I look into getting a wheelchair before I have to have one. Not too sure what to think about it really. I prefer to not even wear braces on my joints and I am constantly fighting the will to just rip the Fentanyl patch off and not put another one on because I hate them for what they are! The patches helps, but I simply just HATE being on those damn narcotics! I've been on the patches for little more than a month now. It makes me feel better, but I'm still hoping to just learn to live with the pain because I do not want to be on painkillers! Oh, and study wise, Gothenburg University will have to do as it is within commuting distance from my hometown (about 40 minutes by train from hometown to Gothenburg). I'm not too happy about that, but it's a good school too so I'll have to live with it...

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