Saturday, January 21, 2012

One week left!

A lot has been happening since my last post. Think I mentioned last time how it had been decided I'd move back to my hometown soon. Well, that soon came very soon! I signed contract for a one room apartment in my hometown earlier in January while I was still up at my parents place, and I'm leaving Copenhagen next Saturday! The weather seems to be fine next weekend and there's available trailers so my parents are coming down to Copenhagen to help me move out of my current apartment and transport me and all the things the 250miles (400km) to my hometown. I'm feeling a bit stressed at the moment because there's so much to remember and do before moving, especially since I'm moving so far and to another country. I'll move to my home country, but still another country from where I'm living now so there's some extra paperwork involved compared to moving within a country. Considering I have some health issues, there's also a lot to deal with medical wise, needing to make sure my medical records are sent over to the doctors in Sweden and such. It will be kinda sad leaving my current doctor because she's really good, one of those rare doctors who really listens to patients and don't assume chronic pain patients wants painkillers for the rush. Many Swedish doctors are complete assholes as far as pain relief goes. Chronic pain patients are assumed to be drug addicts and doctors keep lecturing about the dangers of using opiates. Well, I'm sure everyone living with pain who has been or is using opiates are well aware of the risks it involves and no one chooses to need that kind of medicine! Personally, I don't like to take painkillers, but sometimes my brain just kinda short circuits from the pain and then I have no choice but resorting to painkillers for a while until I can handle it again. I have been on Fentanyl patches, Fentanyl is probably one of the most addictive painkillers out there and it should be respected and used carefully. I was on the patches for about 1.5 month and then I quit, just quit! No withdrawal symptoms or anything, so if a doctor begins to lecture me about opiate use, they can just take that lecture and shove it up their butt! I do not get addicted to any medicine and never have! BUT I'm hoping to not need to go back to strong opiates, I even feel it's bad enough taking Tramadol every once in a while. But yeah, sometimes I have to, to function. The Swedish doctors view on painkillers does make me a bit nervous though. Will I be able to get the right help if hitting the high numbers on the pain scale? On the other hand, the only thing I have in Denmark now is my doctor and she can't help me with anything else than pain relief when needed since the doctors she's sent me to has refused to give a proper diagnose. The chances of getting a proper diagnose might be better in Sweden... I have a name of a doctor in Sweden I'll ask for a referral to. So as you can see, it's a bit complicated. But I'm sure everything will be fine once I'm back in Sweden and everything. Right now my brain is just doing the spin cycles like a washing machine with everything I need to remember and do before moving. That, plus adding as much workout as I can handle each day AND packing and preparing at home. The other day I walked at least 6.5 miles, that's over 10km. I like to do such things, even though it really takes a toll on my body! I might be pushing myself a bit too much these days, but will have one thing less to do once I've moved and unpacked my belongings in the new apartment. After that I can focus on loosing weight and working out even more than I do now! And I won't need to save my energy for other things, I can use it all up on working out! I have a fair bit of weight to loose still and I am going to succeed! NOT going to let my crappy joints stop me from reaching that goal!

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