Thursday, March 28, 2013

A day of resting

I had a busy week last week, having a couple of appointments out of town and helping out at my parents place a lot as my dad had a really bad cold. The weekend was busy as well with the fair and concert and then I had another appointment on Monday morning. 
This week has been a pretty fatigued week, while I have been out and about a fair bit all week, today my body just said STOP! Been more or less forced to stay in bed all day today, feeling very tired and pretty achy. But hoping tomorrow will be a better day with more energy!

Had a really awesome time last night with my Chronically Awesome friends. So much fun to "meet" others who know what it's like to live with a condition, it's nice to listen to others and also have a place to vent or share experiences. Just a shame all of us are so far apart distance wise so it would be close to impossible to meet everyone in person at the same time, especially considering some may have difficulties to travel. But it's definitely people I'd love to meet in person if I get the chance to!

Still bouncing with excitement about the fair in April. Hoping to learn some useful things and maybe buy some items that can be useful to have at home and make things easier, like a jar opener, gloves made for wheelchair self propelling and small things like that.

But first, Easter celebrations! I'm an atheist but even an atheist can celebrate spring and enjoy chocolate eggs and just have a nice time with family. I celebrate Easter minus the religious bits LOL

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