Thursday, June 5, 2014

Rough time

I've been struggling physically for a while now, my body is in some serious flare at the moment! I'm in a pain flare plus many of my joints being more loose than my normal. My hands are still hurting pretty bad too so I'm limiting my typing a lot, both on computer and touch screens in the hope my hands will feel better with some rest. It's not very fun though because I miss texting with friends and updating my blog, but typing just hurts too much... Even just this little text this far has required me to take breaks, and each letter is painful in my fingers, hands and wrists. Today I'll just let the post take its time though, I haven't posted for so long now...

Joint wise I'm having a hard time at the moment, not just with pain but with more frequent subluxations and in more joints. There's been some joints that often sublux and I'm used to that, but yeah, now more joints have joined in. My left kneecap has subluxed several times in the past week, but it doesn't go like most people's kneecaps do, mine subluxes upwards! Last time it happened was when I was walking to the car earlier tonight after just having been up at my parents place for a short while (had left my wheelchair in the car). My left elbow is also subluxing a fair bit now, and my elbows have been quite stable before unless I'm pulling the drivers seat of the car forward or putting weight on my arms in the wrong way.
Right wrist is subluxing more than usual as well, and it's now also very painful so I'm having to wear a wrist brace quite a lot. My left thumb is getting ridiculously loose and in all its joints... Neck is a mess as well, I'm currently needing to wear my Aspen Vista cervical collar when I sleep, and keep my neck and head supported more or less at all times or I get a headache and awful pain at the base of my skull.
And I most likely subluxed a vertebrae while just turning around in bed a couple of days ago.

Along with this pain flare, I'm also having a rough time with fatigue. I'm guessing the pain levels wears me out in a sense. At times I even just nod off while sitting at the computer, almost like passing out, as if my body just needs a break. I'm still trying to keep busy though. I pretty much buzz around like a restless bumblebee between meetings and meetups, and when I'm doing that, I'm resting as I am really pushing myself way too hard, but I don't want to skip things either if there's any chance for me to attend it, I've only just gotten to know most of the people I hang out with now since joining a political party and the youth organization too. I've been to a meeting with the youth organization tonight, it's only just starting up in my town and neighbor town so I'm with it from the beginning locally. I had an awesome evening with my friends in the youth organization and we're all very motivated and full of ideas to get this going.
I'm hurting like hell now though, because I was sitting for too long at the meeting when already being in a lot of pain. Last night I even resorted to taking extra painkillers to give my body a short break from this flare, it worked because the medicine I took was (my last 5mg tablet since I was on them before the patch) OxyContin!
But yeah... Have avoided the ER at least, so that's always something!

Tomorrow I'm going to have a haircut and then in the evening I may attend an event with my political party, but that depends on the weather and my condition tomorrow as I'm going to a BBQ party 50 miles away at a friend's place on Friday to meet up with some fellow EDS'ers and celebrate our National Day and I totally refuse to miss that as I haven't met those friends for over half a year and some of them I haven't met for three years now so I'm really looking forward to meeting them all again!

Now both my hands and the rest of me needs to rest! I'll probably go to sleep really soon because I'm beyond exhausted even though I got 8-9 hours of sleep this morning...

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