Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Good timing, busy times and just needing to rest some

Have had a really busy day today and doing way too much after a really lousy nights sleep last night and a busy evening yesterday. But anyways, I got some things done that needed to get done, I'll most likely pay for it for the rest of the week, but at least I got the things done. It may not seem like much to someone who doesn't have a physical disability, but to me it pretty much feels like running a marathon or something. Laundry, a load in the dishwasher and vacuuming and mopping the floors, especially vacuuming and mopping is really hard on my body because of the movement and strength needed for it. I got it done at least, and as I was vacuuming, I listened to my "favorites" playlist on my phone. While vacuuming the worst area around my cat's food bowls- he sure knows how to make a mess! Another One Bites The Dust started playing on my phone, and I nearly fell over from laughing since I heard clink and clonk all the time at that moment from kibble on the floor that went into the vacuum cleaner.
Once I was done with vacuuming and mopping and finally had the chance to lie down for a moment before heading out to get my dry clothes from the dryer, I Want To Break Free started playing! Freddie and the others in Queen sure knows how to do epic timing!

Was just as epic as last week when I was just browsing things on Facebook for a while, and a fascistic Facebook group was suggested to me for some weird reason (maybe it was suggesting it so I could report them for hate speech?!) I went to that group page, and just as I was hitting the "Report to Facebook" button on that page, Roger Taylor's song Nazis 1994 started playing on my Spotify playlist! Made me laugh so much when that song out of all songs in my playlist started to play right at the moment when I reported a fascist page!

I have been really busy for a while now, so if I usually chat and haven't been in touch for a while, it's not because I haven't wanted to, but because I really haven't had a day just to myself for weeks and just need some time to catch up with myself in a sense. It's nothing personal against anyone, it's just one of those periods that is really intense.
I had my trip to Poland and right before that I had attended a meeting out of town, I had barely recovered from Poland (not sure I have still actually) when I had a whole day out of town last week, and yesterday I went again, on Thursday I have an appointment out of town again, and on Friday to Sunday I'll be out of town again and staying in a hotel together with a bunch of people to learn more about the new discrimination laws as inaccessibility has finally been labelled discrimination! Seeing I'm a board member of a local branch of an organization for young people with disabilities, it may be useful to try to learn more, along with being able to inform friends about it if I just don't forget everything again the same moment I get home- I have a lot of brain fog and fatigue and tend to forget things a lot. So yeah, weekend away, and then on Monday I'm out of town again all afternoon and evening to attend an event.
And then I'll have to try to prepare some for a meeting with my doctor where I'll have to request a new MRI to be done of my neck, and also talk about the future as I turn 30 in little more than 6 months from now and am unable to work due to my condition. The board I'm in isn't a job, and not even taking up all that much time, it's generally one meeting each month, and sometimes I can't even attend that, but even with it not taking up much time as in hours, it takes up a lot of time from me as I need to prepare and recover physically every time I go anywhere. It totally wears me out going to the meetings, but it also gives me so much to just hang out with the other board members who also live with disabilities and discuss and plan things that I'm very interested in, such as accessibility! It's in a sense my only social life except for family and internet, so it means a lot to me to have those friends and meetings.

But yeah, if I'm not as chatty as usual, it's because I just need time to do nothing and just rest up in between things now, I'll be less busy after Monday when it comes to things to attend so hopefully I'll be a bit more social then. I just need to rest a bit now to cope with the events I have to attend, and to me resting generally means taking a break from my phone, and chat and talk less, I may still blog while resting because I tend to just think a lot at those times, in a sense exploring my mind and often my most brilliant ideas pop up while I'm introverting, so with the number of blog posts from me in the last few days it really doesn't look like I'm resting, but I am. I just need to get some things out of my mind and think loudly without actually having a conversation. But again, it's nothing personal against anyone that I haven't even said hello for a while. I'll be back though!

Now my brain doesn't really want to cooperate with me any longer, I doubt this post makes sense even, I'm so tired and achy right now, it's getting more and more difficult to type, so time to get some sleep- hopefully...

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