Monday, July 5, 2010


I have been silent for a while on here, it's not because I have forgotten my blog or anything. I've just been too busy first hosting parents for a week in China and then doing a lot of other things and generally just enjoying my vacation!
As I write this, I'm sitting in Suzhou, China. I've been here for three weeks now and staying until July 8th.
A lot of things has happened these three weeks. My parents came with my husband and I and stayed for a week to attend our 2nd wedding reception which was held in Suzhou on June 19th and had roughly 200 guests! But the days up to the wedding party were busy sightseeing in Suzhou as it was my parents first and maybe only time coming here.
I have of course taken many photos but as I don't have all of them in my computer yet I'll wait with uploading any on here.
A more detailed blog post will be up once I'm back in Europe too. It's 10pm here now and I'm not feeling too well due to some stomach issues which I'm 100% sure are NOT tourist related. Feels more like I might be sensitive towards something.
Anyways, I need to get my beauty sleep now, I really look like something the cat has brought in!

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