Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas party at work.

Yesterday it was Christmas party at work. It was my 3rd time attending it and I must say, this year it didn't quite reach its usual standards. The food was good, but really, Italian food on a Christmas party? And there was far too little entertainment. I think most people was kinda disappointed really. The best Christmas party at work was definitely last year! Last year the whole evening was just so much fun!
Yesterday I went home even before the music started, partly because I was bored and partly because I was so tired after working so much overtime lately.

Today I'm so sleepy, I took an emergency nap in the afternoon and ended up sleeping for about 4 hours. Thanks heaven it's only 2 more days of work before I go up to my parents place for Christmas! I only work Monday and Tuesday and then on Tuesday after work I take the train up to my parents and have vacation until January 3rd :)

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