Friday, December 24, 2010


Today it's Christmas eve, the day when we in Sweden celebrate Christmas. My parents and I went to my grandmother in Gothenburg to celebrate and a couple of hours ago we came back home, with grandmother.
The day has been spent relaxing, watching Disney on TV and of course, the Christmas gifts. I'm happy with the gifts I got and everyone else was happy too :)

Tomorrow my aunts and cousins are coming over for the traditional Turkey dinner we always host at home on Christmas Day. I really hope everyone can come.

I took some pictures today both at home and at my Grandmother's place. Will upload some of them later when I've transferred them to my laptop, right now they're only in my camera.

It's been a very white Christmas this year! Think Disney Christmas movies ;) I've NEVER before seen this much snow on Christmas eve, and it hasn't been warmer than -9 or -10 degrees C all day! And it was snowing when we were driving home from Gothenburg. It's really quite amazing! Today is really the kind of Christmas eve/Christmas day you only see in movies.

I just find it quite annoying that, despite having vacation since I was off work on Tuesday, my wrists, elbows and knee is still aching :(
But anyways...

Merry Christmas everyone :)

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