Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas shopping!

So yesterday I went over to Malmö for some Christmas shopping, and to take a look in this music store I had seen so many times from the bus. First thing I did after getting off the train at Malmö central station was to go to that music shop, and wow, what a place! So much instruments, sheet music high and low and everything you can imagine for playing music! I bought a couple of beginner books for keyboard, or actually, one beginner book for keyboard and one chord book for piano. I have been playing keyboard a bit before, or OK, most of my life, but on small toy keyboards. This keyboard I have now is a big one. I've had it for years but never really played much on it and that is so going to change now!
Until now, I've only been playing keyboard or piano by ear, I only read sheet music for violin and a little for flute. But with this new passion for music I've got in the past few weeks, I've decided to learn playing my keyboard properly and read sheet music too!

Anyways, after I had been to that music store. I went further into town for some Christmas shopping and managed to almost finish my Christmas shopping! I only have a couple more planned things to buy now, but that's things I'll buy in my hometown in a small local shop, partly because the items I'm going to buy is a bit inconvenient to bring on the train, but mainly because I know the shop owner and want to keep the local shops at home alive.

Today I went shopping again, this time in Copenhagen at the big shopping center Field's which is just a few minutes away from where I live. Bought a couple more Christmas presents and did some general grocery shopping. After shopping today, I did my traditional Sunday laundry.

Now I think I'll play some keyboard for a while. Going to try to make it into a daily habit to practice every day :)

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