Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Had the day off work today, due to a couple of appointments I should have made a long time ago to be real honest.
I saw a physiotherapist this morning for my hypermobility, an appointment that really was great! The physiotherapist really listened to me! I showed him a lot of the things I can do and he said I'm indeed very hypermobile. My knees bend backwards 15 degrees, 2-5 degrees backwards is OK, but definitely no more than 7 degrees, and I have 15 so go figure. I also found out that my elbows do indeed hyperextend- something I haven't been sure about as it is kinda difficult to see yourself.
My fingers subluxate many times daily, no matter if I want them to or not, even the most gentle pull will subluxate them.
It is likely my ankles subluxate daily too and my hip was on the way out once last week.
And I got a word of warning: It won't take anything for my knees to dislocate.
My knees have never dislocated this far, but the physiotherapist said they may do so from very little trauma. It can pretty much be enough if someone just bump into me a little and my leg is in the wrong position at the time.

We talked some about the Beighton score too, and the physiotherapist said I'd get 8 points out of 9 possible! The only thing I can't do is to put my palms of hands on the ground with straight legs, I can only get the whole fingers down without effort. Guess you could say I get 8.5 points then, plus a lot of extra points for the other "party tricks" I have which are not even measured on the Beighton score.

I'll now begin physiotherapy once weekly to help stabilizing my body a bit to avoid dislocating things.
After the appointment with physiotherapist I went to Field's to buy some workout clothes and shoes, and while I was at it, I dived into the optician shop there as well and made an appointment to have my eyes checked. Said and done, got an eye appointment for the afternoon. Went home and had lunch and then back to Field's to have my eyes checked, my eyesight had changed again so needed new glasses. That didn't surprise me at all as I've had my current glasses for two years now. Anyways, I picked a very nice pair and will get them in about two weeks.
Back home again for about another hour and a half and then off to see my doctor.
Went to doctor and got the referral to see Rheumatologist which is why I went to doctor today.
Tomorrow I'll call around to the various Rheumatologists in this area and see if anyone of them can take me soon. If they are not qualified to diagnose or rule out EDS than hopefully he or she can send me to see the EDS specialist in Rigshospitalet.

Both me and my physiotherapist agrees that I have to have a diagnose on this! Am I just damn hypermobile with a fair bit of pain? Or do I have EDS which is genetic?

As it feels now, I'm not 100% sure I'll work tomorrow. I really need to call those Rheumatologists and get an appointment as soon as possible. But mainly, and I won't lie now: My hips and knees hurt like fucking hell! And that's while just laying in bed... Elbows, wrists and fingers are painful too, but right now knees and hips are worse. However, I shall NOT take painkillers! I need such combos of various kinds it's crazy, plus that I do not want to become more resistant to painkillers than I already am.

Will see tomorrow. My plan is to go to work, but if my body is on strike I'll just have to take the lemons and make lemonade and focus on making those phone calls. Bit more peaceful to call from home than from work.

All in all today, busy and tiring day even without working, and I've found out I'm pretty much an over bendy, subluxing freak show ;)

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