Monday, February 4, 2013

A bad day to round off a bad week

This week hasn't been the best week of my life, it has probably been one of the worst...

Have been, and am feeling physically awful, started the week with a migraine and rounding it off with a severe neck flare that makes chopping my neck off sound like a nice option despite taking as much rapid acting today as I take long acting daily, meaning I've doubled my dose of painkillers and still in agony. Oh, and had IBS flare during the week, causing a lot of discomfort so I've barely been able to eat.

This week has mainly been spent resting and watching movies, and doing as much as I could cope with, today has been a very horizontal day due to my neck as I'm literally seeing stars when sitting or standing without neck support when flaring like this. I have a rigid neck collar but I can't stand wearing it because the material is very rough against my skin and it doesn't quite have the right shape for me, but yes, do need that kind of support... Soft collars do nothing for me. Should call my orthotist when I wake up because the situation is unbearable!

When pain is this bad, my long acting Oxycodone only works a little in the background and the rapid acting has effect for less than half of the time it's meant to be working, it just goes through me like water through a sieve, but at least takes the edge off the pain during that little time it is working.

Better top up the rapid again now and try some sleep so I wake up in time to make the phone calls I need to make in morning...

Sometimes living with EDS really sucks!

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