Saturday, February 9, 2013

Another shitty week!

I've been down physically for the past two weeks now, almost anyways... While my stomach feels somewhat better now, I'm having a bad neck flare for the past week or so, forcing me to lay down as much as possible to keep the worst headaches at bay. I've been outside my apartment twice since last Saturday if I remember it right! And despite doing what I can to keep the headache and neck pain at bay, I've been forced to take my rapid acting painkiller most days this week, night to Monday it ran through me like water through a sieve and I was kept awake all night because of the pain. And people wonder why I don't work! Ha! There ya go! Try to have a job when you don't know if and when you get to sleep and not even be able to sit up without getting pain at the near suicidal level...

Everything is just shit at the moment. I just want to rip these past couple of weeks out of the calendar!

To top this week off, my favorite social app, Get Glue has gone from being a great place to be, to a dictatorship fascist app that has removed everything that made the app good! Most people are really fuming over the changes, myself included, and a lot of people will leave the app, probably myself included unless they agree to bring back the check in topics they removed!
To put it simple, it went from being very versatile to being like the tree channel! Or imagine a Facebook where you can't post anything else but what you watch. That's how Get Glue became this week- you went from being able to check in to anything between heaven and earth, to now being limited to TV shows, movies and sports, and who the fuck watch sports anyways? Along with the fact those new things are only adapted for American users which pretty much make us international users not feeling welcome!
Another new feature is that you can order stickers directly from the phone app. Now most people I know hasn't even ordered one sticker and most couldn't care less about them damn stickers! If there's one function I wouldn't miss on Get Glue, it would be the stickers!
But then of course, there are the sticker whores who only cares about stickers but those are very few in comparison with the amount of people wanting to be able to check in at any subject they feel like.

Past 7am, I haven't slept yet overnight and need to get up in a couple of hours... Thinking I might as well get up now, take a shower and watch TV until it's time to get up... And if I do watch TV, it's not likely I will check in at that show on Get Glue as I'm boycotting the new Get Glue (even though I restored to the old app on my phone), I don't support only being able to check into my TV shows I watch!

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