Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The bane of my existence!

SI joints!
I truly have a love hate relationship with those things, for the most part it's hate as they tend to hurt a lot!
Right now my SI joints are flaring and I don't quite know why, I'm guessing it's the weather as we'll have a weather change in a few days time, but on the other hand, I've been flaring for days already while the weather has been stable.
Flaring SI joints has of course kept me awake at night because of pain when I lay on my back and of course my hips starts hurting too bad really fast when I sleep on my side which is my preferred way of sleeping, and of course my back and shoulders hurts when I sleep on my stomach, and obviously sleeping on my stomach also means waking up with a neck that's totally out of whack!
I'm also in a period where I'm experiencing symptoms from my neck like the feeling of my arms getting electrocuted. It's not a painful electrocution, more just like a TENS unit kind of feeling, but nevertheless, it's from my neck and it's not good! So of course I'm sleeping in my cervical collar to alleviate the symptoms (it's helping a lot) and sleeping with a collar is kinda limiting you to sleep on your back!

So, I'm stuck mostly on my back, on flaring SI joints. My doctor recently took me off my breakthrough medicine with his (lack of) logic that "You're on X, you shouldn't need Y" and I truly wish it was that easy! Sorry doc, pain doesn't work that way, taking away a breakthrough medicine won't take away the breakthrough pain it was treating! All it does is giving me as a patient, more pain, less freedom and lower quality of life when I do flare and need breakthrough medicine.
A pain patient will need both a base medicine and breakthrough medicine, just like a type 1 diabetic needs both basal and bolus insulin (or have a pump that's giving a continuous dose of rapid insulin as basal, with manual button pressing for boluses).
It's really sad how little doctors know about pain and its treatment, and how willing they are to prescribe off label medicines that are way more dangerous than proper painkillers, out of fear for the painkillers- when it's the off label medicines they should fear and restrict more! Needless to say, I am not taking any off label medicines, nor will I ever touch it! I know too much...

This is yet another night, a night without sleep. I don't know if and when I'll manage to fall asleep and if it will yet again require sleeping aid, the last couple of night has required sleeping aid at about 7 or 8am to get any sleep at all. I'm exhausted all the time, but the pain keeps me awake at night.
Have a feeling I may have to pop a pill soon again, just to at least fall asleep before dawn.

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