Thursday, July 31, 2014

Summer, water park, sunburn and...


Yup, it looks like that anyways. I'm yet to see a doctor about it though, just trying hydrocortisone cream on it first to see if it helps, if nothing else it's keeping me somewhat sane while waiting to see a doctor because I can count on having to wait for an appointment.

The reason I think it's psoriasis? My paternal grandfather had it, my dad has it, my maternal grandmother probably had it. My spots look like psoriasis and the family history says it may very well be. I've asked in a couple of closed groups as well what they think, and showed my parents and everyone has agreed that it looks like psoriasis.

I'm not letting this stop me though! My affected areas are visible when I'm wearing swimwear, but I wear swimwear anyways and I go swimming because I have every right to, just like anyone else! If people stare at me, that's their problem, not mine.

Anyways, I started getting some psoriasis-ish marks a few weeks ago now and have in the past couple of weeks gotten more of them. But I've been out enjoying the summer anyways, and even went to a water park almost two weeks ago now. The water park was a lot of fun! I haven't been there for over ten years and I do love being in the water, so with this awesome summer weather outside, a friend and I decided to go. It was extremely tiring in the park, especially in the pool area as that area has anything but flat ground. In other words, the pool area wasn't accessible at all, so I had to walk more than I had planned to, which of course tired me out completely. I was barely human when I got home that evening, thankfully I managed to drive home but had it been just a few miles more, I would have had to take a break to rest before driving the rest of the way home.
The day my friend and I went to the park, it was very warm (for being here) and very sunny, so by the time we came to the pool area, my POTS was acting up some and I was close to passing out from the heat so needed to get into a pool ASAP. In that process, I forgot to put on sunscreen, and also forgot to when getting up to rest a bit. Needless to say, I got a tad bit sun burnt that day! But seeing I was out in the sun for about 7 hours, mostly in water, I didn't get even nearly as burnt as I had expected to, probably much thanks to me already having a little tan when arriving the park and my skin having had time to adapt to the sun since about April as we've had an unusually warm and sunny spring and summer!
Now my redness has shifted to tan, I'm more tanned now than I've been in many years! Still shedding some skin but nothing too bad. To be honest, I wasn't even in much pain from this sunburn, I've been a lot worse in the past, so this was nothing.

My joints are feeling pretty decent in these summer temperatures, though I still have to be careful so I don't overdo it, the heat doesn't cure my Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, it merely makes it a bit more manageable. I've probably been overdoing it lately, it happens so easily as soon as the pain is a bit more manageable than usual... So now I'm extremely fatigued!
I was going to go to a market in a nearby town this morning, but when I woke up I just felt that okay, no driving today! Then shortly after I fell asleep again and didn't manage to wake up properly until 3:30pm despite having slept for about 6 hours or so when my alarm sounded at 9 this morning. So yeah, that's what fatigue can do to you! Been really tired all day even with all that sleep so probably going to try to sleep pretty soon, I just can not stop yawning today!

Bit worried about one of my friends too, a friend who has Osteogenesis imperfecta, he was in an accident over the weekend and is currently in hospital with two broken legs and a broken shoulder and is going to be transferred to a bigger hospital sometime this week for surgery. Due to the complexity of his fractures, only one hospital in Sweden can manage it. I just hope his surgery or surgeries will be successful and that he will recover fast! Right now I'm anxiously waiting for updates from him, as is all his other friends!

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