Sunday, January 24, 2010

Some big changes in Restaurant City

Last night I got bored and changed the layout and decorations in my restaurant in Restaurant City. All the previous snow and ice is gone, and in comes a refreshed version of my old Chinese theme restaurant, and a bigger garden than before. I'm quite happy with it, everything runs smoothly and the popularity is at max most of the time. There is room for improvement decorationwise but I will improve it little by little. I just don't want to buy too much new decorations now with the Chinese New Year coming so soon- I hope there will be Spring Festival themed decorations in Restaurant City by then. Oh well, a picture of my restaurant as of today.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

On sick leave again!

Bah! I had a setback yesterday, and had to again see my doctor and now I'm on sick leave again! This time until the 27th. I've managed to work a massive two days this year! I'm sick of being sick, and now they're apparently checking me for IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) too.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Now that was a surprise!

Googled BigBang for a while just now, just because I thought I could be interesting to know more about the individuals in the group. That was a shocker, I had thought they were at least about 25 years old like me, but in fact the oldest member was born in 1987 and the youngest in 1990! Like wow, so young and already so experienced and their talent seem to have no end. I was born in 1985, making me 2-5 years older than all of them!
I could see they are young, but could never have guessed they were younger than me. But on the other hand, it's pretty darn impossible to tell the age of someone from Asia just by looks, unless they already have wrinkles. Asians have a tendency to look much younger than their true age! I had to get an ID card already the year I turned 15 because people thought I was at least about 18, guess it didn't help already towering at 172cm at that time ;) I had to show my ID quite a few times on bus and train to not have to pay adult ticket!

OK, enough rambling for tonight.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Susan Boyle

I watched a program about Susan Boyle on TV earlier tonight, about her rocket career and success. Found out she had released an album and decided to check it out, so I'm now checking it out online and I can say, I haven't bought a CD in years (mainly because I only listen to MP3 since about 6 years now) but I'm so going to buy Susan Boyle's I dreamed a dream, it's absolutely incredible, amazingly beautiful! Song after song, I get goose bumps and tears in my eyes again and again. I haven't felt like this about music for very very long. Wild Horses has to be one of my favorite songs on the album. It's simply amazing!
I have been amazed by Susan Boyle's singing ever since I first saw the clip of her Talent audition on youtube last year. Today when watching the program about her on TV, both my flatmate and I had goose bumps and tears in our eyes. I'm so happy for Susan, she finally gets to live her dream! And how I wish she had been discovered long ago, she truly has one of the most amazing voices in this universe!

As said above: I'm so going to buy this album!

So I'm up late again...

Can't sleep... My stomach is keeping me up and I can't find my painkillers which could potentially work.
Listening to BigBang now, it's a Korean group and they're very good! I especially like their song Stay, so just thought I'd post the song from youtube on here.

So, now that has been done. Time to continue doing nothing while waiting for sleep to take over. Might climb up in bed and watch videos on youtube or just read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in Swedish for the umpteenth time. I'm really tired now, and have been really tired all day. Nearly fell asleep for a while before cooking dinner. All these nights of poor sleep is taking its toll on me...

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Tired of my B12 deficiancy!

It's bothering me again! This time by giving me stomach issues which I haven't noticed and yeah, it went far enough to cause problems which I do notice, if left untreated for much longer it could probably have caused ulcers too.
I'm now taking acid neutralizer along with some powder which I mix into juice or so. But I simply can't take that powder stuff! Doesn't matter what I mix it in, it makes me nearly throwing up drinking it! So I'd better call my doctor tomorrow again and say it's not working- which it isn't along with making me feeling sick when taking it.

I can't take any form of medicine to drink! Not even cough syrup! I can only take pills or injections, that's it. I told the doctor this in my appointment on Thursday but he said "Mix the powder with apple juice and you won't notice it's there". I have mixed it with very strong apple juice, and all I feel is the powder taste and it makes me sick. Today I haven't taken the powder. I don't want to feel sick again! I've had enough of it. I haven't had any effect of the powder anyways, and my stomach is still painful.

I'm on sickleave until the 13th, but something tells me my stomach won't be better by then. But going to call my doctor on Monday anyways, see what he says and if there's anything else to take for my stomach which goes down WITH water and not IN water! I also need to ask if I should maybe start taking my B12 shots more often again since I still feel quite tired and now having this stomach issue. I don't mind taking B12 injections at all, but I do mind not feeling well! But I need to discuss it with my doctor before starting to take my B12 more than once per month again because if I'm going to take it more often I need my doctor to prescribe more B12 vials.

OK, enough rambling now... Time to eat something and start thinking about going over to my husband even though he won't be home when I come today, he's going to sing karaoke with some friends, but as I said to him last night, if he's not home when I come he'll be home later so we still get more time together this weekend if I go over today than if I go over tomorrow :)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A new year.

So here we are, nearly a whole week into the new year. It's 2010, I'll be 25 years old in October, halfway to 50!

Not much has happened this far in 2010, I've mainly been at home due to stomach pain which I've been having for nearly two weeks now. Tomorrow I'm seeing my doctor about it, I can't stand not being able to sleep well at night more now! And I don't want to be home from work! I hope my doctor has some answers tomorrow.

New Year's Eve was pretty peaceful. My husband and I were just at home at my husband's place, I cooked a nice dinner and we cheered in the new year with soda which was in the same kind of bottle as the usual "bubbly" is. The fireworks outside around midnight was the biggest I've ever seen! My husband and I went up to the top floor of the building where he lives and from there we could see most of the city from there. It was fireworks everywhere, all the time, and it was almost as intensive an hour after midnight! I filmed some with video camera but am yet to put those clips into my computer. But when I have transfer them I will upload it to youtube and add it in my blog.