Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Looks like I have no choice...

Other than against my will agree to having a foreign object in me... Gynecology clinic refuses to let me have an ablation despite it being MY wish to have one and I AM aware of the risks it may come with. They say I'm too young for the procedure to be considered and keep prompting on the hormone coil which I DO NOT WANT! But seems I have no choice but agreeing on one as that seems to be my only way to possibly be period free. But I will warn them, that if I have ANY complications from the coil, I WILL report the clinic to the moon and back! Had this been America, I could have sued them to the moon and back, but it sadly doesn't work that way here so doctors can get away with anything... The letter I got today did say that I can be under general anesthetic while a coil is being inserted, and that is the minimum requirement for me to even consider one of those things. And I'm also going to insist on proper pain relief afterwards should it be needed. My EDS is causing enough pain all over to deal with as it is, without being in even more pain from having a foreign object in me as well, stabbing from inside, I have cramps doing that anyways, without the foreign object.
I explained to the gynecologist last week that I am NEVER going to be pregnant or have a biological child in any way, I do not need to be able to then, EVER! I want a permanent or at least semi permanent solution. Seriously, fuck age! I've already had half my life ruined by cramps and periods, I've had enough, more than enough and I really can't take it any longer!

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