Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Rambles of an insomniac...

So here I'm laying in bed, been trying to fall asleep for quite some hours now but end up just tossing and turning so decided to turn on laptop and just write this blog post and hopefully manage to sleep afterwards...

Guess I'm feeling a bit uneasy about Wednesday... I have an early morning appointment with a gynecologist to discuss my troublesome periods and what to do about them. I have some pretty big decisions to make regarding what to do. I have a few options to consider... Keep taking Cerazette like I am now and bleed for up to about 3 weeks at a time but little every day, take nothing and bleed heavily and have periods for up to 10 days and the lovely hormonal migraines, try a rather expensive hormone coil that could be heaven once the hell of having it inserted is over, or it could be absolute hell causing more problems than benefits, or I can keep pushing for having surgery: balloon burning of the tissue inside the uterus or incomplete hysterectomy.

Everything has pro and cons but one thing I know for sure is, going without hormonal treatment or surgery is NOT an option!

I also know for sure that I will never want to be pregnant and give birth to a child, so by all means, I don't need to be able to either...

So yeah, pretty big decisions to make in a couple of days... I know, it's a pretty private subject to bring up on a blog, but come on, I know I'm not the only woman out there having issues with periods and needing to decide what to do about it long term. Periods is something most women have, some don't have issues with it and some do...

This whole thing is currently keeping me awake, and it's taken me over an hour to get this post written... Don't know how many times I've deleted most of the text and re-written it differently. Guess I just needed to get it off my shoulders... Hopefully I can fall asleep now at last, it's pretty damn late :/

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