Friday, November 16, 2012

Appointment two out of four just hours away...

My next evaluation team appointment is just hours away. Or well, I need to sleep a bit first and then at noon I have the appointment. Hopefully traveling and sitting at the appointment for up to two hours won't wreck me up this time. I do suspect part of the reason I ended up in the hospital on Tuesday was because of the appointment I had on Monday at the same place I'm going to later today. I write today because it's 2:20am as I'm typing this...

Also got a much awaited letter with the post yesterday (Thursday). I have an appointment to try out the wheelchair on December 10th! Feels a bit like an early Christmas present seeing having the chair will give me a part of my life back! I'm really fed up with not being able to be out as much as I'd like or feeling terrified about going anywhere that requires standing and walking or sitting on "wrong" chairs for too long. The cushion in the wheelchair will be tried out especially for me to fit my needs, it will be some kind of cushion that prevents pain from pressure, that's all I know now. It should enable me to get around better and sit more comfortably anyways. Not looking forward to people staring at me when I'm actually in the wheelchair, but heck, I live in a small town so once everyone has asked me about it once, I won't have to explain myself a million and one times again when suddenly getting out of the wheelchair to either get something from a higher shelf or walk a bit.

I should try to sleep now and hope insomnia isn't kicking my ass tonight again. I need to get up in about 6 hours to have breakfast and get ready to go to my appointment.

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