Sunday, November 4, 2012

Not a good day!

Or well, the day started okay enough... It wasn't until the late afternoon the day took a nasty turn from okayish day to outright nasty! I was going to help mum take a roast out of the oven and as I had gotten a good grip of the pot it was in, my lumbar spine either had a sublux or a really bad lumbago! I very nearly dropped the roast but somehow managed to put it on the stove at least, my whole body froze from the pain in my back and I was speaking fluent profanity for a while, while tears were streaming down my face. It took several minutes before I could move at all, and then it took several more minutes to get from the stove to the sink like 3ft away. Mum came with my crutches and then it took probably 10-15 minutes to get from the kitchen to the bedroom just a few meters away. Mum nearly had to call for an ambulance as I was standing there in the kitchen, unable to move from the pain, but fortunately I had brought enough painkillers along today and took my entire daily dose in just a couple of hours, and after resting in bed for about 2 hours and having all the painkillers kick in, I managed to get up and slowly get into the living room on crutches to join my parents and our guests when it was time to have dinner.
Have since taken another half days worth of painkillers (my total daily dose is way below the max dose for the substance so I didn't overdose) and a slow release diclofenac and 1000mg paracetamol to further help the Oxycodone and to hopefully have some coverage from the diclofenac (if it works at all) overnight.
Even though I did not go to hospital in an ambulance, going to the hospital was still considered for a few hours but I later decided that it would have taken too much energy and caused too much pain to go since all they would have done would be to possibly give me morphine for the pain and maybe diazepam to relax my muscles. I had already taken both, just Oxycodone instead of Morphine and another muscle relaxant instead of diazepam.
The pain in my back today was a 12 on a scale that only goes to 10, after 20mg Oxycodone and 500mg of my muscle relaxant the pain went down to 8 so I was still in agony, but at least feeling somewhat better.
My walking ability is close to zero even with crutches, my legs are locked from the back pain and while standing in the kitchen just after my back popped, I very nearly passed out from the pain.
I'll be making a phone call to my clinic on Monday to let them know about this, tell them I've been needing to use a lot more Oxycodone than normal due to severe pain, and yet again bring up the patches as I really really need something working in the background to have less breakthrough pain and less severe breakthrough pain. And I'll tell them to hurry up with that wheelchair! I really can not use my legs much at all! And while yes, sitting hurts when my back is like this, in a wheelchair I'd at least be able to go from point A to point B more safely, with a bit less discomfort and my parents would be able to help me move from A to B!
I'm still in quite a bit of pain now, even with having taken much more painkillers than what's normal for me. This pain today was some serious shit!
I think I had a sublux in my lumbar spine considering something popped back into place once I finally made it into the bedroom and laid down on the bed. When I get a lumbago, my spine doesn't pop back into place afterwards.

I expect to be on high doses of painkillers tomorrow as well, or well, today as it's 3:30am as I'm typing this. I have a concert to attend tonight and I'm NOT going to let anything stop me from going!

I should try to sleep now, despite my spine doing its best trying to kill me. I'm not looking forward to waking up in the morning, knowing the Oxycodone will have worn off so the pain may be back with full force! My only hope is that the extended release Diclofenac will help at all and can take the worst edge off from the pain still when waking up.

The little I've had to be out of bed since I got back home, I've gotten around with the help of my walking stick. It's not great to walk with, but easier to have next to me than the crutches...

Is it really too much to ask for to get to feel like 27 when I AM 27? :'(

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