Friday, November 9, 2012

Nearly weekend again

Haven't had the best of days these past few days due to my back giving in on Saturday but I am getting a bit better as time goes. It was most definitely not a lumbago I got as mine sound when I get them and cripples me for days. This on Saturday was soundless when it happened, something popped right when I laid down and I've recovered too fast, even a couple of nurses agreed I most likely subluxed something in my lower back, either a disc or vertebrae or SI joint.

I had my OT visiting on Tuesday to fit a higher seat for the toilet, with armrests and now after a couple of days of using it, I've found that the armrests and increased height helps a lot when sitting down and getting up. My OT also took measurements for the wheelchair and I'll go to the aid center as soon as possible to try one out, waiting for the appointment letter now. Should be a lot easier to go outside more independently and further once I get the chair, not having to take the car all the time. I'll not use the chair all the time, just for times when I know I'd be on my feet a lot and/or I'm in too much pain and fatigue to walk and stand. Might also use it as an alternative to restaurant chairs when going out to eat as those are most often worse than awful to sit on for more than 5 minutes. Which reminds me, we're going out to eat lunch on Sunday because it's Father's day here in Sweden. The restaurant we're going to have absolutely awful chairs to sit on! Last time we went, I was in agony the whole time we sat there, but we're going there now anyways because it's a nice restaurant. Going to ask if they have other chairs on Sunday and I will bring all my cushions to be a bit more comfortable.

Have found a couple of great friends in these past few days as well :) One from Texas and the other from Belgium!

I haven't slept well this week, even though I've taken painkillers at least for the night. I even followed the American election live on CNN international until shortly after they announced President Obama was the projected winner, which was shortly after 5am my time! Insomnia has been bad this week, but oh well. I'll try to sleep soon now and hopefully sleep better tonight. My parents and I are invited to a couple of family friends tomorrow afternoon, going to dine together and sit and chitchat at our friends house, should be really nice :) On Saturday we're going to have another friend couple coming over to my parents place and that should be a lot of fun as well, I'll do my best in the kitchen on Saturday and just hope I don't get any more back injuries while cooking! Mum has already said I am not to take anything out of the oven any longer... But there's other things I can do in the kitchen so I'll just do that instead and I really don't care if I have to take painkillers to do it or not, I will do it!

Think I'll pop a sleeping aid now and shut down computer for the night. I sure need to sleep!

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