Friday, November 2, 2012

Quite the day...

I didn't fall asleep until well past 6am this morning, kept waking up many times until finally giving up sleep at around noon. Went to parents place and helped dad with some computer stuff and then helping out a bit with cooking dinner. Succeeded with the computer stuff after dinner and then headed out to the kitchen and baked a couple of cakes. Can't say I had the energy to bake cakes but anyways, I did it.
Watched some TV with parents after baking before going back home.
Managed all this today thanks to taking my meds. At the moment I have taken my prescribed max dose of Oxycodone, and yet I'm awake and functioning, just in a lot less pain than I would be if I had not taken meds. I'm not pain free, nor do I expect to be, but just having some relief is great right now.
It's nearly 4:30am now so should try to sleep very soon. Hopefully I'll sleep more than I did last night...

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