Wednesday, October 31, 2012


We don't celebrate Halloween here. The holiday is trying to knock our doors but us Swedes are still pretty traditional and having a hard time accepting new holidays. I did manage to get outside today, thanks to taking painkillers before going out. I'm in agony now and needing to take meds again but will try to tough it out.
Called my clinic in the afternoon to discuss a prescription renewal they had forgotten about and told the nurse that something needs to be done ASAP because I can't live like this any longer! I need to get back onto around the clock pain relief, preferably Fentanyl patches as I know they work for me with no side effects at all. I'm sick of experimenting with medicines that doesn't work!
Also told the nurse I need that wheelchair (that I requested about 6 months ago) very soon or preferably last week because I'm very limited on crutches and with the absolutely awful pain I get from the crutches it's likely I'll be house bound very soon because walking just hurts too much and causes too much pain. Even with taking my painkillers, the pain in my hands and wrists gets so intense I don't want to wake up the next day. I'm just 27, I don't want to think such things like "Do I have to wake up tomorrow?" because I'm in so much pain, pain that can be treated with the right medicines and somewhat prevented by having the right aid and supports.
If I could just have a little bit of my life back... Having less pain and be able to go places more... It would be priceless and I don't care how much people stare at me!

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