Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Close to tears...

My hands, especially thumbs, and wrists hurts so bad today I've had to resort to painkillers 3 times today just to have any use of my hands. Walking with crutches has been total agony anyways, resulting in me only going outside because I had to pick up a couple of prescriptions at the pharmacy out of which one couldn't wait until another day.
The level of pain today is making me think "do I have to wake up tomorrow?" so you can imagine, it's bad :(
I'm pretty sure I won't be able to go with my parents to the supermarket tomorrow, it just hurts too much to walk, even with painkillers in my system... The painkillers only take the edge off.
Lower back, hip, knees and ankles are as bad as always so walking unaided is not an option when walking more than within an apartment.
Tried writing some in my diary before. Even with the PenAgain pen, my writing ability is very limited. I get writers cramp in my hand(s)- I'm ambidextrous, very fast even with having the pen that is said to delay or prevent writers cramp. I'm doing a little bit better typing on laptop but that hurts as well and my fingers lock backwards as I'm typing. Can't wait until I have my ring splints!

Going to call my occupational therapist tomorrow and tell her (or the receptionist at the clinic) that I'm not having a good situation at all now with my hands and wrists. Can't go outside the door without being in complete agony!
I'm very close to being house bound, all because I don't have the right aid and not enough pain relief by far. I did discuss going back onto Fentanyl patches with my GP last week, but he couldn't promise anything. Last time I was on it, was when I lived in Denmark and had a GP who wasn't afraid of treating what she couldn't cure. I don't know how long or short days they have in Denmark but my medical records from Denmark were ordered by my Swedish clinic in late February and before I moved from Denmark the receptionist in Denmark said "They just need to order it and we will send it within a few days" when I asked to have it printed to deliver it in person in Sweden. Need I say my medical records still hasn't arrived to my Swedish clinic?

Something needs to be done, and soon! I can't live like this! I'm sick of spending my days in bed or on a sofa because going outside= walking, hurts too fucking much!

Typing hurts too much now... I'd better rest...

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