Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Anyone living with pain has most likely experienced this at some point. You're really sleepy, but can't get comfortable enough to actually fall asleep. Whatever you do, however you sit or lay down, it just hurts! The whole bed feels like it's full of peas and you're the princess in the fairy tale.

I'm having one of those nights tonight. It's 4:45am as I'm typing this and I have not slept yet. Doesn't matter what I do, I'm just in too much discomfort. Took my painkiller and muscle relaxant about 11pm-ish and then again roughly an hour ago and it has only taken the edge off the pain, but nowhere near relief enough to fall asleep.

I'm severely low on spoons today in general. Several nights of insomnia has taken its toll on me, and now this! Barely had the energy to go outside my apartment today, but did somehow manage to go to my parents for an hour around dinner time. Other than that, the day has been spent at home, in bed, or laying on the sofa, fighting fatigue from hell and a lot of pain.

Unless miracles happens, tomorrow will be spent the same way as today: In bed or on the sofa. I'm not going to my weekly hydrotherapy session this week due to being a woman and I would have likely not attended this week anyways due to how I feel. I barely have the energy to move, so driving is out of the question, and exercising while feeling like this would spell disaster.

In the afternoon when I came back home from my parents, I was actually crying my eyes out because of how I'm feeling at the moment. I only just managed to not cry while at parents place or start bawling outside where people could have seen me.

Not too sure I'll manage to go with parents for the weekly grocery shopping round in the afternoon today even. I always go with them normally...

5am... If I don't fall asleep soon, I might just go fetch a frying pan and knock myself out with it :(

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