Saturday, October 27, 2012

Feeling more human

Today I've been feeling more human than in the entire week, even though I had an appointment in neighbor town at 9:45 this morning and I'm usually still asleep at that time.
Had an appointment with a occupational therapist who's dealing with hands a lot! Got a couple of new thumb splints and I'm put on a list to get fitted for silver ring splint for my left thumb once the fitting kit arrives to the rehabilitation center from the company in America making the ring splints ( I also got fitted for plastic ring splints today and ordered one for index finger, one for middle finger and one for ring finger. The index and middle finger rings are mainly for left hand to give me a better grip but I have the same size on right hand so will wear them there when my fingers there need better support, like if I need to write by hand. Ring finger splint is for right ring finger as it goes swan neck often when I close my hand, I'm going to wear the splint to prevent that finger from going as bad as the fingers on my left hand.
I'm currently wearing my new thumb splints now and they're great! They're considered rigid but they have no hard pieces in them, just an extra layer of the soft side of velcro which makes the fabric more rigid around the thumb and MCP joint. It's surprisingly stable but at the same time it doesn't immobilize the thumb very much. It's so comfy to wear I may actually sleep with them on tonight, just to give my thumbs and wrists a rest from odd positions. I often wake up with at least one wrist bent at over 90 degrees and that's definitely not good!

I'll be getting my plastic ring splints on November 20th, and during that appointment I'll also have special resting splints made for my wrists to wear when resting or sleeping, it will be custom made with Ortho plastic to fit me perfectly :)

Since I'm feeling much more energized today and in less pain than in the whole week, I've decided I feel fit enough to go to Gothenburg tomorrow! Mum and I will take a morning train, probably at 10:17 from my hometown. I'll be going to a rehab shop in Gothenburg and get those ice picks thingies to put on my crutches as winter is approaching fast now, in fact, today I wore my winter boots! Last night we got a little bit of snow hail (hail that is like small snowballs) and right now it's like -3C outside so it's going to get slippery outside soon! The first snow came yesterday in the shape of that snow like hail, and we're expecting snow slush or snow in a few days time.
Mum and I will also go to an American bakery in a mall in Gothenburg where they sell Jelly Belly jelly beans which mum and my grandmother are addicted to. I'll probably try Red velvet cake and maybe buy some nice cupcakes to bring home only because I haven't tried it before and we don't find American style cupcakes here often at all!

Oh well, I should try to catch some sleep now. Need to get up at about 7:30 or 8 in the morning to take a shower, dry hair and be at parents place at about 9 to have some breakfast (so my parents SEE that I eat something before going to Gothenburg) and then off to the station.
Hands are bothering me now anyways, hurts to type >.<

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