Saturday, November 17, 2012

First and definitely LAST time!

The appointment I had with the psychologist only happened because the psychologist is part of the team, and I dare say it was the first and definitely LAST time I'll see one! He got almost EVERYTHING wrong about me and is, against my will, going to write in his report that he recommends that I see a psychologist regularly even though I told him I have been offered to see one and decline it because I feel no need to see one. Had I felt the need to see one, I would have requested to do so! I shall complain about the psychologist to the OT and doctor of the team as I have those two appointments left before these team things finishes, and I will tell them both that I do not wish to have the psychologist's opinion anywhere in my documentations and if it is put in, I'll report him!

The only thing he got right about me is that I am frustrated and a bit sad at times, but who the hell wouldn't be frustrated when wanting to do so much but being stuck in a fucking disabled body?!

One of the things he got seriously wrong about me is that he said I'm very stressed. I'm NOT stressed AT ALL! The symptoms he said was stress is symptoms I've been having for many years, regardless of feeling stress or being on vacation feeling more relaxed than ever, it's Dysautonomia symptoms you bloody fucktard of a psychologist!

Seeing that idiot ruined my entire day. Not just did it waste a lot of energy to go there and sit at the appointment. I've spent the rest of the day fuming over how stupid the psychologist was! He should have his  brain checked dammit!
The only thing he did was ruining my day and pissing me off!

I want absolutely nothing to do with psychologists! Freudian scumbags!

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