Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Some projects and general

There's quite a bit going on in my life at the moment, and I'm really feeling excited about it too! 
Feels amazing to actually do more things again and actually feel as relatively good as I do right now. I haven't been feeling this well for probably a couple of years! 
I know I'm still recovering from my surgery in September, but even with it only being little over 6 months, I feel so much better, and definitely a lot better now than when my body was being thrown off balance by all the additional hormones I was taking to try to control the issues I had with bleeding and cramps. 

I feel... Alive! 
The Ehlers Danlos will of course always be there and wreck havoc with my body, but in a way "just" the shit that EDS throws at me as far as pain and fatigue goes is so much easier to handle now when there's at least one problem less to deal with on a daily basis. 

Like I mentioned above, there's a lot going on in my life at the moment. I'm pretty busy and loving it! I won't however reveal what is keeping me busy ;)

The only things I can reveal is that I'm going to push for an accessible train station in my town, a station currently missing an elevator so it's not accessible at all if you use a manual wheelchair independently- especially for those who can't do like me and just walk past an obstacle, and I have monthly meet ups with some awesome fellow EDS warriors out of town and it's not unlikely we will be doing some more local awareness things too. 
I do other things too, but I can't say more now. 
I just wanted to share that I'm feeling (for being me) pretty damn good at the moment! 

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