Thursday, April 24, 2014

The physical effects of poor accessibility

As someone living with a disability of any kind, the world outside of our own home can be pretty hostile and inaccessible at times as it's a world made for and by people who are at full physical capability.
I mentioned yesterday how I battled with the laundry room door to just be a normal adult and do some laundry, well, today I'm paying the ultimate price for my little attempt to be normal!

I did not sleep well last night due to pain in my neck and pain down my right arm from pulling that door open, and today I've been battling a spinal headache coming from the base of my skull, caused by the door triggering my neck issues. Neck issues that has been behaving somewhat decently for the past month or so. Guess I'm back to square one with my neck now eh?

Now over 24 hours after last battling the laundry room door, I'm still in a lot of pain down my right arm, my neck is causing utter hell and the headache it's causing needs a one way ticket to the edge of the known universe and beyond! 

I don't have time for physical setbacks like this! I have a concert to attend tomorrow evening and you bet that I'm going to enjoy every moment of it! I have an expo to go to on Friday in town, an expo I've been looking forwards to since the last one two years ago! And on Saturday I'm going out of town all day to meet my relatively local friends who also live with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. 

Looking back, I kinda wish I wasn't so damn stubborn all the time! I should have just called for help with that door yesterday, or done the laundry another day. But why should I? Why should I need to adapt for anyone else but myself? Why should MY freedom have to suffer because the local landlord company are too lazy and dumb to realize that their facilities aren't accessible before anyone points it out to them? I mean seriously, even the maintenance people working in the neighborhood walk through that door on a regular basis to fix something, they should have noticed that "oh shit, we need to do something about this door, it's almost impossible to open even without carrying a load of laundry!" and then they should have just fixed it, and fixing it would benefit everyone using the facility, not just me and others with a disability.
I'm not the only person in the neighborhood who's disabled in any way, I may be the youngest but I'm definitely not the only! And when even fully able bodied neighbors struggle with that door, it should have been obvious long ago that it's inaccessible to those who are disabled and/or elderly. 

Again, I'm now paying the price for trying to be a normal citizen doing normal things, in a world where people like me are expected to point and ask for help all the time instead of having a world that's more adapted and accessible for everyone living in it! 

Accessibility that helps the disabled doesn't just make this world a friendlier place for people with disabilities, it also makes life a lot easier for those who don't have a disability. 
A door opener makes it easier for anyone to open a door, especially if you're carrying something.
An elevator makes it easier for anyone who's coming with luggage, children or maybe a temporary injury.
A slight increase ramp next to or instead of stairs makes it easier for anyone coming with luggage or children.
Little or no height difference between a train and platform makes it easier and safer for everyone to board and get off the train. 

Those are just some small things that makes life a lot easier for the disabled, but also greatly benefits everyone else!

We're all part of this world and no one should be left out!

And below we have it: The door to hell, I mean, the laundry facility of my neighborhood! Note how high up the key badge reader sits to the left of the door? The narrow area in front of the door? The edges down from said platform? And on top of it, not very visible on the picture, there's a slight angle of the asphalt leading up to the concrete! And yes, someone has made a mess with laundry detergent outside the door.


  1. I feel like coming and fixing it for you

    1. I've been in touch with maintenance crew of the neighborhood and they've already ordered the parts to make it electronically assisted opening :) Shows they too had problems with the door when cleaning the facility and taking out garbage and such. They had just never thought of fixing it until I mentioned it lol

  2. Good you u for getting it done for yourself and others. Pat yourself on the back
