Thursday, August 12, 2010

Nearly Friday!

And man do I need that weekend! I'm so tired and my right leg just doesn't want to behave properly. In fact, this week has been crapish, starting with an early stage migraine on Monday and severe headache on Tuesday meaning two sickdays from work!

And then it's my right leg. It has been acting up since last week sometime. Have pain on the back of my leg and the pain spread on and off to affect my ankle and a point under my foot just in front of the heel. The pain is constant, night and day and it doesn't matter if I'm sitting, standing, walking or laying in bed, it hurts!

Yesterday evening it was bad enough to even make me start limping a bit. I've tried everything I can think of: Massage, stretching, resting and nothing works except for some fairly strong painkillers I'd rather not take, so I only take them for the night and end up having to work while being in pain in daytime. I can get drowsy from those painkillers so it's not something I want to work on or drive while they're peaking!
May contact my GP about this shortly as I don't know what's causing the problem and nothing I've tried for it helps.

For this weekend I have no plans really. May just stay home and relax as much as possible now when there's no class reunion to attend ~500km away (one way). Last weekend I drove 1000km solo in just about 48 hours, and that was after working fulltime all week.
But tiring as it was driving that far, it was so worth it! I had a blast hanging out with some of my classmates again! I haven't met some of them since 2004 when we graduated high school, and have not met any of them since 2005.

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