Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Appointment tomorrow

So tomorrow I'm finally seeing my doctor to try to get things straight with my misbehaving joints. To be really honest, I do feel a little nervous about it. What if my doctor know nothing about hypermobility and doesn't take it seriously?

I know I fulfill the requirements for an HMS diagnose easily, but what if it is EDS? Would that really make a difference? Looking at family history, my great grandmother on dads side had hypermobile knees, and so does one of my aunts, none of them had or have a diagnose, but it is still something I'll mention to my doctor tomorrow. For me, hypermobility affects my fingers, wrists, shoulders, back, ankles and a little bit in hips and toes and probably also elbows. The reason I think it "may" be more than just HMS is because there are some things with me that does fit in with EDS. I won't write it all down now, this post is long enough anyways :P

Today has been a kinda rough day. Woke up feeling like I had been hit by a train and it nearly made me stay home from work. Stubborn as I am I took a couple of painkillers I knew wouldn't work, and I headed to work and spent all day being in pain- constantly around 3-4 on the 10 scale with the occasional top, and it kinda got to me in the end of my shift. Started forgetting things and even did something I'd normally never do. Nothing severe though, but it could have been a dangerous situation quite easily. That's when I decided it was time for me to finish work for the day a little early. It's not easy to focus on anything when it feels like your joints are being turned inside out or being stabbed with a knife from inside.

OK, long post, rambling... My defense? I've only slept for like 5-6 hours in total in the past 48 hours ;) I don't feel sleepy though, and it was and is totally worth sleeping less :) Spending time online talking with a friend 6 hours behind my time zone, it's just amazing, and my new sleeping pattern actually has given me more energy. Just... The last 2 nights I've fallen asleep 2 hours later than my target time which is 2am. Now try 4am 2 nights in a row on workdays ;) I really do need to sleep earlier tonight.

Hope some of this makes sense :P

Will update tomorrow evening and let you all know what the doctor said. Right now I can't really think clearly, and as internet is really quiet- friend busy working, I think I'll just call it a night pretty soon :)

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