Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Considering leaving Denmark

As some of you may or may not know, I'm Swedish but living in Denmark since 2006. The five years in Denmark has had its ups and downs and given me valuable life experience that I'll always carry with me.
I've come to a point in my life where I feel there's little or nothing keeping me in Denmark any longer. I like my apartment very much, but that's really about it. I don't have many real life friends here, and the couple of friends I do have here are from work and they have families so we don't hang out after work. And then there's work... Well, to put it simple, I can not do it any longer! I've had it, seriously! My body can't cope with physical work any longer, it's time to find an office job, or work from home!
My plan now is to look for a new job, in my home region of Sweden and move back to Sweden sometime after Christmas, probably to a city not far from my hometown. I have several real life friends I've met on a forum in that city, the city has a college, a big hospital in case my joints needs it, and excellent train connections to my hometown which is just 50 minutes away by train or about an hour's drive.
So when I have moved, I'll have real life friends in the same city and I'll be very close to my family, my childhood friends and many of my high school classmates as the city I'm planning to move to is very close to where I went to high school.
I'll be close to friends and family, but still live in a city and still have some privacy.

I think there's only one thing I'll miss when I leave Denmark. My doctor! Other than that, I'm just really looking forward to moving home to my homeland again, where the living standard is generally better too. Now there's nothing wrong with my apartment here in Denmark, but in Sweden it's pretty much unheard of to have the shower connected to the bathroom sink ;) In Sweden we have separate water supply for sink and shower!

The city I'll move to only really has one downside, it's pretty far from any bigger airport, like 1,5h by train and another 30+ minutes by bus. But let's face it, how often do I travel?

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry you feel you need to leave, but I definitely understand why you do. I like your plan. It sounds like it will help a lot.
