Sunday, July 10, 2011

Long time no post

I haven't been blogging much lately. There are several reasons for it, but the main reason is probably the fact that I haven't been feeling well and been very busy.

There's a lot going on in my life at the moment, I'm trying to get a diagnose on my health problems. Both me and my doctor suspect it's Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and I'll be going to hospital in September for a proper EDS test. I saw a rheumy in early June, and that was the worst moron I've ever seen calling himself a doctor! The only thing he got right about me is the 8/9 on the Beighton score.

In early June I also had to spend a few hours in hospital due to a possible heat stroke when it was just 20 degrees outside. I started feeling really nauseous and weak, and lost sensation in arms and legs, I very nearly passed out! Had I not had my crutches with me that day, I'd not have managed to get off the bus even. When I got to the hospital hours later I had a "resting" pulse of 95 (I had very slowly walked from waiting room to exam room minutes before)

Working has become more and more of a struggle. As soon as I get home from work and have taken a shower, I go to bed and sit there until I fall asleep sometime late at night and then I don't sleep very well. I'm constantly in pain, constantly fatigued, it's not really a life for someone turning 26 in a few months!

Last weekend I went to Nottingham to visit some friends, it was a great weekend, but oh my have I been feeling unwell since I got home again! I've barely managed to get out of bed since I got home late on Tuesday evening. Since night to Thursday I've had a pretty bad headache and back pain which has been worse than my usual back pain.
I don't know what's causing my headache, but nothing helps to ease it, other than staying in bed moving as little as possible. A friend with diagnosed EDS think I may have slipped a disc in my back, or have developed dural ectasia. I didn't even know people with EDS or HMS could develop dural ectasia randomly like this, I only knew it's common among people with Marfan Syndrome.
Oh well, I don't know the cause for my headache, I just know it feels like having fireworks inside my brain when it is at its worst, and nothing helps. Painkillers does nothing, laying flat on my back does nothing and laying on my side just made me feel nauseous instead. If it doesn't ease up within a few days, I'll seek help in hospital for it!

I've barely managed to eat anything since Monday. Haven't had any appetite at all. Today I've had 6 small squares of chocolate, a few spoonfuls of mashed potato and a cup of soup, and I had to force myself to eat the potato mash and soup!

Ok, this post is not very cheerful at all, and it has taken far too much of my energy. I need to rest again...

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