Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's Eve!

And there's only one thing to say:

Have a good one :)

Like wow...

It's less than 24 hours left of 2009 now! Scary thought...

Going over to Denmark to be with my husband as early as possible when I wake up. Should go to sleep soon since it's half past midnight already. But first thing I'll do when waking up will be to go to a supermarket in town and buy something nice for dinner for the evening. The supermarket near where I live is basically just a convenience store so they definitely don't have something fit for New Year's eve.

I'm getting really tired of my stomach now. I've been having pain since Sunday evening and since then I've barely been able to eat anything because I don't have any appetite. Feels like my stomach is taking a holiday, but a painful one...

Now I should be going to sleep, though it's very tempting to play some more Sims3, World adventures before sleep. I'm tired enough to fall asleep sitting in my computer chair now, but at the same time I need to get used to staying awake late because I can't go to sleep this "early" tomorrow night, and if I go to bed now most likely my stomach would keep me awake anyways. So I can't really decide, Sims3 or sleep.

Anyways, enough for today, eh, for now. Might post again before 2010 :P

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas abstinence...

What can I say. Christmas 2009 has been one of my best in my 24 years. We had a white Christmas for the first time since 2001 and I spent Christmas at my parents place, with my husband, parents and grandmother and my cat of course. It just couldn't have been any better.
The gingerbread cookies I made last week were perfection, they had the exact right taste, color and texture as gingerbread cookies should have and they soaked up the milk exactly like they should. So delicious!
The glazed ham this Christmas was really good too!

Yesterday I finished my gingerbread cookies mum sent with us when my husband and I went back home on Sunday. And as I stood there having my last home made cookies, it hit me: I won't feel that flavor again in about 51 weeks! Sure, I can buy factory made cookies in the supermarket, but it's just not the same! And sure, I can make gingerbread cookies any time of the year, but it just won't be the same! They should be baked and enjoyed with Christmas lights around you!
And I won't get to see the wonderful Christmas tree at home again until December 23rd 2010! I only got to enjoy it for 5 days this year.

I love the flavors of Christmas, and all the lights, and the cozy atmosphere when sitting with your family with all the lights around, listening to Christmas carols which hasn't been overplayed in the radio, watching Christmas movies- especially the ones from Disney.

I miss all of it now... Yesterday when I had that one last cookie, I felt depressed and even started crying. Everything just hit me.

Will next Christmas be just as good? Will everyone be gathered again? Only time will tell, but I sure hope 2010 will be like this Christmas has been.

That being said. I'm not really looking forward to the new year. I can't help feeling anxious about what 2010 will bring, and I can't help feeling old because I'll be 25 in October...

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Holidays are over...

Today my vacation ends. Hubby and I are going back home from my parents place, and tomorrow I start working again, even though it's only 3 days of work before New Year's eve. I'm not overly looking forward to going home today I must admit. The week I've had at my parents place has been too short! I want to spend more time with my parents and my cat! I have only met one of my childhood friends, and haven't had time to meet my other friends. The days has just been too busy! My friends are not overly happy about me not seeing them when I'm at my parents place, but what to do? There's just not time... My parents even live neighbor with one of my friends, and I haven't had time to meet that friend even for 2 minutes this week.
On the more positive side though: It's been a great week, surrounded by family and it's been plenty of snow and the first white Christmas since 2001. I have gotten a lot of rest and been relaxing most of the time, so hopefully the three days of work this coming week will be smooth.

My husband and I are going to take the bus from Gothenburg to Copenhagen today, a small trip that takes 4.5 hours! We could have taken the train too, but we'd just like to buy a ticket, not the whole train or railroad! The train ticket prices are just insane, one ticket would have cost about the same or more, as the bus ticket cost for two!

Oh well, I'd better start preparing for the trip...

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Some snow

Here's a video of my cat and snowing outside my parents bedroom window on Christmas day. Yep, it's me talking to my cat haha

And a video from the balcony this morning- Boxing day. More SNOW

I'm a beginner with the video camera, but it will be better later on :P

Thursday, December 24, 2009


Well, since we celebrate Christmas on Christmas eve and not Christmas day here in Sweden. A MERRY CHRISTMAS ALL!

Our Christmas tree is decorated, the ham has been glazed, all presents has been put under the tree yesterday. And all Gingerbread cookies has been baked- and what a success they were this year! I really do have a talent with baking :D

Our Christmas tree, with presents under:

Outside it's WHITE. We are having a WHITE CHRISTMAS :D First time since 2001 we have a white Christmas in my home village! We went out on the countryside outside a nearby village yesterday and it was so beautiful with the snow and forest. Like a Christmas card!

A couple of days ago, while waiting at the train station for my husband to arrive, it was snowing heavily, so just to amuse myself a little while waiting for my husband's train to arrive, I took a picture of myself in the snow:

So with these pictures, I wish you all a Merry Christmas! May you celebrate today or tomorrow :)

Monday, December 21, 2009

Almost Christmas!

Only 2 days left until Christmas eve. I say 2 days because it's just 2h left of dec. 21st. It's been a really cold day today, not been "warmer" than -9 degrees C today, but down to nearly -17 degrees in the morning. Most of the day has been hovering at around -10 degrees and we also got a little bit more snow in the late afternoon. More snow is coming tomorrow and until Christmas eve, maybe up to 20cm! The last time I had a white Christmas was in 2001, so that's how uncommon it is here in the area around Gothenburg.
My cold is getting a bit better now. Have gone through the day without nap today at least, and even had the energy to make a ginger bread cookie dough earlier tonight. Going to bake some cookies tomorrow and on Wednesday. Tomorrow my husband is coming up too from Copenhagen, so tomorrow evening I'll be with my honey again :) On Wednesday my grandmother is coming up from Gothenburg too, and my uncle is coming on Christmas eve. I'll try to take some pictures too in the next few days but I'll be fairly busy so I'll see if I have time to run around outside in the cold with my camera.

Still early now, but I'm going to call it a night and go to sleep early. With some luck my cold can be gone completely by tomorrow, all depends on how well I sleep and how much rest I get.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

4th of Advent and shopping trip with my parents

Went to a nearby town today, and took pictures along the road. Dad drove because I was too tired and suffering from a cold so don't worry about me taking pictures in the car.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

On a train

I'm currently sitting on a Swedish X2000 train, zooming past the towns and countryside of the west coast in about 200kmph. It's snowy outside, not as much here as it was down in Copenhagen- or as I now call it, Hopelesshagen! But it's much much colder up here, I've just been on the phone with mum while the train was standing still for a couple of minutes in Halmstad station, and mum told me it's -12 degrees in my hometown which I'll arrive in just after noon today. I'll be in Gothenburg in just about 1 hour, and there I have to wait for almost 1.5 hour to then take another train that goes to my hometown outside of Gothenburg. I'll see my little hairy monster in just a few hours now :D

And to round it off, a picture of my little hairy monster, also known as Nisse^^

Friday, December 18, 2009


Today is the last day of the COP15 climate meeting. Now after all the pollution this meeting caused, and all the problems the meeting has caused for us who live and/or work in Copenhagen, can we have our city back? I'd like to be able to go to work without risking facing canceled trains because of politicians visit town...

COP15, quite a flop...

Hope Copenhagen is back to normal when I come back again after Christmas. Going up to my parents place tomorrow morning for the holidays. Hubby is coming up on Tuesday.
I have vacation now!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Winter has come!

And the result of the pictures taken this morning...

Just wanted to share it with you :)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

It was a good day until...

My husband and I picked up the letter in the mailbox downstairs when coming back from town after dinner... It was a letter from the hospital, about a jaw surgery my husband might need if he's going to fix his teeth. I've banned him from having that surgery done and told him to call the hospital in question, cancel the consultation and tell them to never ever contact my husband again, or they will be haunted by a very very angry wife who WILL sue them so badly they will have to close the whole clinic!
I wanted to take the letter, tear it into billions of pieces and then burn it. My husband didn't let me but did assure me that he'd call and cancel it. I've told him several times in the past weeks that I'm gone if he does have that surgery! I want him the way he is NOW. No more laser treatments of acne scars and no jaw surgery or stupid braces! I won't have it! I want him the way he is, the way he looked when we first met 4 years ago. I can't stand seeing his face burnt by a stupid laser, and I definitely won't be able to see him in pain after an unnecessary surgery. I've even banned him from going to that dentist again.
I really do hate dentists, and especially the dentists who deal with braces and stuff. I've been there done that and the process was both painful physically and emotionally, and the nearly 3 years it took for me from having teeth taken out until the braces were out were a waste of time seeing some of my teeth has now moved back to where they once were and my stupid wisdom teeth has taken the space that was once there.
That being said, I haven't seen a dentist in over 3.5 years, and see no reason to go see one soon!

To make this post less gloomy...

My husband and I went out for dinner today. We have a lot to celebrate in the coming few days. On the 15th we celebrate 4 years as a couple, on the 17th we have been married for 2 months and on the 18th it was 3 years ago we went to China together for the first time- or I should say it was my first time going to China, and my husband's first time ever introducing a girlfriend to his family!
Anyways, I'm working all week until friday, and at about 7am saturday morning I'm going to take a train up to my parents place to spend Christmas week there. My husband was supposed to come with me on saturday but something came in between so he'll come up on the 22nd instead, unless he decides to follow my advice in the matter and cancel the thing that came in between and come with me on the 19th.
So since there's so much to celebrate this week, and so little time to go out, we went out today.
At first my husband tried to drag me into an ecologic western restaurant, but I really didn't want western food today and definitely not ecologic because I was fed up with that in high school, and I eat western food 5 times per week at work in my lunch break. So after deciding that restaurant we first went to smelled nothing better than the cafeteria at work, along with being in an area of downtown I absolutely HATE, we decided to go to one of our standard places, but on our way there we went past this little Korean BBQ place and it looked really nice so we went in there and OMG it was great!
We ordered Korean BBQ and had our own little gas grill on the table, and got some kimchi, salad, rice and sauce, and some filet of beef and vegetables to grill. So you could say we cooked our own dinner, just didn't have to prepare it. And the taste was amazing! It was my first time trying Korean food except for a noodle dish with black bean sauce I had in China 3 years ago. But I'm addicted now! Next time my husband and I go to China we are so going to a Korean BBQ restaurant at least once! And we have to go to a Teppanyaki restaurant too! We tried Teppanyaki in Beijing in may and it was one of the most delicious things I've ever tried.

Here in Copenhagen there's not many restaurants that has the real taste of Asian foods. It's always changed a bit to fit the taste here. Even the few restaurants which does have authentic menu has minor changes compared to if having the same kind of dish in China, and there's not ONE Chinese restaurant here which doesn't have at least one dish with sweet and sour sauce (which doesn't exist in China) and at least one dish with deep fried pork/chicken/beef/prawn. I only know of 2 restaurants in Copenhagen that serves Beijing duck and that has to be pre-ordered and it's a requirement to be at least 4 people and it costs a fortune per person!

On another note. I've found the Gourmet King twice today when playing Restaurant City. My friend in Singapore has become an expert in finding the Gourmet King by now, but unfortunately one can only claim 2 things from the king per day so I have to remember to hit the link tomorrow for a couple of things :/ And day after tomorrow... I've already gotten my 2 things from the Gourmet King today, and my friend has found him 6 times in a day or two now!

Oh wow, long post today. But the night is young. 10pm now and I'm too stressed up about that letter so I can't sleep yet :(

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Christmas party at work!

Yesterday my job had its annual Christmas party, and to just have some fun and hang out with workmates outside of shifthours I attended the party- it's like the only time per year I'm in a party which isn't a family gathering. Anyways, it was yesterday evening and despite being really tired from working a "normal" shift (7.30am-3pm instead of my now 9.30am-5pm) after working until 6pm thursday, I had a really good time.
We had an Elvis copy doing a show between the starter and the main food, and that show was great. Both funny and very high standard of the songs, so that guy was good at his job for sure!
Other than that it was a lot of joking around and making parodies of everything and it made everyone laugh out loud many times through the night.
I left the party quite early though. I was just too sleepy after the long day and getting up at 5.30am after working until 6pm the day before and falling asleep sometime around midnight so it was a long day indeed. Along with that, there was only one bus per hour from anywhere near my job and it wasn't too tempting to walk about 2km to a train station on a friday evening when many companies have their Christmas party, so at 10.30pm I took the bus and after a couple of transfers between transports I got home at 11.15pm and fell asleep shortly after midnight. Woke up at 10am this morning and still pretty tired, but I had not expected to not be tired this weekend.

But one thing is for sure about last night: The word "Financial Crisis" doesn't exist in my workplace!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Christmas preparations

Today I've been over to Malmö to do some Christmas shopping, and find a dress to wear at the Christmas party at work on friday. I found a couple of presents today, and I did find a dress. I found a red dress in a light and silky material and it's reaching to the knees so it's not too short. But I do have a feeling my workmates will be shocked when they see me wearing it. None of them have seen me in a dress before, except for the workmates who have seen the wedding pictures.

In the past couple of days I've been doing some rather drastic changes in my restaurant in Restaurant City. I now have a winter theme in the restaurant, and it's quite a bit of Christmas decorations now. RC is going to release more Christmas decorations soon so I've saved quite a bit of space in my restaurant for that. And after Christmas I can still keep my restaurant the way it is now and just have the typical Christmas items put into storage. There's not much Christmas about snowmen and non decorated Christmas trees with some snow on. But Santa and such has to go into hiding after Christmas again.
I still haven't unlocked all the Christmas dishes, or the dishes Gourmet King can give you if a friend has found him. I've found him twice, but haven't seen or heard about any of my Facebook friends finding him. It is however true that not many of my Facebook friends who play Restaurant City are very active players. Only very few I know play it quite seriously while most of my friends are still below level 20. I hope when some friend DO find him that they'll let me know about it.

Had a long msn chat with a friend from Singapore yesterday afternoon. It was a lot of fun and both of us are RC players, and he has to be the friend I have who knows the most about RC. Really nice to exchange experiences and help eachother out. But I do find it very facinating that my friend has never experienced winter and snow! Like wow, never seen snow! I've seen enough snow to last for a lifetime and pretty much wish I could just do like the birds in autumn- move south for the winter and come back in spring!

Well to make a long post less long, I'd better round it up now and head to bed.
So nights, and I'll update again through the week.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Yet another day with DSB!

And they're just as hopeless as ever... This morning when I went to work, I ran between the trains to catch a commuter train that would enable me to take an earlier bus to work and not have to sit at a busstop for 20 minutes. But when I had gotten onto the commuter train after some running, and found a seat, it was announced that the train would be cancelled and the next train would come about 7-8 minutes later. The next train came and I took that one, but had to sit at the busstop for 20 minutes waiting for the next bus going to work.

Work today has been great. Many workmates really appreciated the Christmas decorations I put up yesterday afternoon after most people had gone home for the day. I actually don't think I've had such a smooth and problem free day at work for many months now to be honest. It would have been a perfect day if DSB had just done their job which is to provide public transport which is on time!

On my way home from work everything was smooth until I came into Copenhagen Central station. Looking at the departure screen I saw my train had been delayed 9 minutes and a couple of minutes later it was cancelled due to technical problems, but instead of letting people off at another platform, of course the cancelled train had to block the platform my regional train was going to arrive at minutes later. Said and done, the platform was changed for my train, and if that wasn't enough the escalator up from the platform where I was waiting was not running so I had to run up the escalator and then go down on another platform to catch a train which of course ran late because the cancelled train occupied the regional train's original platform.

I ended up getting home about 40 minutes later than usual, and that included a quick trip to the supermarket after getting off the train.

I really need to have a car soon! Can't stand DSB and their constant poor excuses and delays! It's only a matter of time until I'll take a taxi and send the bill to DSB when they do like this...

Oh, btw. The initials DSB does fit them quite well too. It's short for Dumb Stupid Bastards/Buggers!

Rant over!