Monday, December 21, 2009

Almost Christmas!

Only 2 days left until Christmas eve. I say 2 days because it's just 2h left of dec. 21st. It's been a really cold day today, not been "warmer" than -9 degrees C today, but down to nearly -17 degrees in the morning. Most of the day has been hovering at around -10 degrees and we also got a little bit more snow in the late afternoon. More snow is coming tomorrow and until Christmas eve, maybe up to 20cm! The last time I had a white Christmas was in 2001, so that's how uncommon it is here in the area around Gothenburg.
My cold is getting a bit better now. Have gone through the day without nap today at least, and even had the energy to make a ginger bread cookie dough earlier tonight. Going to bake some cookies tomorrow and on Wednesday. Tomorrow my husband is coming up too from Copenhagen, so tomorrow evening I'll be with my honey again :) On Wednesday my grandmother is coming up from Gothenburg too, and my uncle is coming on Christmas eve. I'll try to take some pictures too in the next few days but I'll be fairly busy so I'll see if I have time to run around outside in the cold with my camera.

Still early now, but I'm going to call it a night and go to sleep early. With some luck my cold can be gone completely by tomorrow, all depends on how well I sleep and how much rest I get.

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