Saturday, December 19, 2009

On a train

I'm currently sitting on a Swedish X2000 train, zooming past the towns and countryside of the west coast in about 200kmph. It's snowy outside, not as much here as it was down in Copenhagen- or as I now call it, Hopelesshagen! But it's much much colder up here, I've just been on the phone with mum while the train was standing still for a couple of minutes in Halmstad station, and mum told me it's -12 degrees in my hometown which I'll arrive in just after noon today. I'll be in Gothenburg in just about 1 hour, and there I have to wait for almost 1.5 hour to then take another train that goes to my hometown outside of Gothenburg. I'll see my little hairy monster in just a few hours now :D

And to round it off, a picture of my little hairy monster, also known as Nisse^^

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