Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Yet another day with DSB!

And they're just as hopeless as ever... This morning when I went to work, I ran between the trains to catch a commuter train that would enable me to take an earlier bus to work and not have to sit at a busstop for 20 minutes. But when I had gotten onto the commuter train after some running, and found a seat, it was announced that the train would be cancelled and the next train would come about 7-8 minutes later. The next train came and I took that one, but had to sit at the busstop for 20 minutes waiting for the next bus going to work.

Work today has been great. Many workmates really appreciated the Christmas decorations I put up yesterday afternoon after most people had gone home for the day. I actually don't think I've had such a smooth and problem free day at work for many months now to be honest. It would have been a perfect day if DSB had just done their job which is to provide public transport which is on time!

On my way home from work everything was smooth until I came into Copenhagen Central station. Looking at the departure screen I saw my train had been delayed 9 minutes and a couple of minutes later it was cancelled due to technical problems, but instead of letting people off at another platform, of course the cancelled train had to block the platform my regional train was going to arrive at minutes later. Said and done, the platform was changed for my train, and if that wasn't enough the escalator up from the platform where I was waiting was not running so I had to run up the escalator and then go down on another platform to catch a train which of course ran late because the cancelled train occupied the regional train's original platform.

I ended up getting home about 40 minutes later than usual, and that included a quick trip to the supermarket after getting off the train.

I really need to have a car soon! Can't stand DSB and their constant poor excuses and delays! It's only a matter of time until I'll take a taxi and send the bill to DSB when they do like this...

Oh, btw. The initials DSB does fit them quite well too. It's short for Dumb Stupid Bastards/Buggers!

Rant over!

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