Sunday, December 13, 2009

It was a good day until...

My husband and I picked up the letter in the mailbox downstairs when coming back from town after dinner... It was a letter from the hospital, about a jaw surgery my husband might need if he's going to fix his teeth. I've banned him from having that surgery done and told him to call the hospital in question, cancel the consultation and tell them to never ever contact my husband again, or they will be haunted by a very very angry wife who WILL sue them so badly they will have to close the whole clinic!
I wanted to take the letter, tear it into billions of pieces and then burn it. My husband didn't let me but did assure me that he'd call and cancel it. I've told him several times in the past weeks that I'm gone if he does have that surgery! I want him the way he is NOW. No more laser treatments of acne scars and no jaw surgery or stupid braces! I won't have it! I want him the way he is, the way he looked when we first met 4 years ago. I can't stand seeing his face burnt by a stupid laser, and I definitely won't be able to see him in pain after an unnecessary surgery. I've even banned him from going to that dentist again.
I really do hate dentists, and especially the dentists who deal with braces and stuff. I've been there done that and the process was both painful physically and emotionally, and the nearly 3 years it took for me from having teeth taken out until the braces were out were a waste of time seeing some of my teeth has now moved back to where they once were and my stupid wisdom teeth has taken the space that was once there.
That being said, I haven't seen a dentist in over 3.5 years, and see no reason to go see one soon!

To make this post less gloomy...

My husband and I went out for dinner today. We have a lot to celebrate in the coming few days. On the 15th we celebrate 4 years as a couple, on the 17th we have been married for 2 months and on the 18th it was 3 years ago we went to China together for the first time- or I should say it was my first time going to China, and my husband's first time ever introducing a girlfriend to his family!
Anyways, I'm working all week until friday, and at about 7am saturday morning I'm going to take a train up to my parents place to spend Christmas week there. My husband was supposed to come with me on saturday but something came in between so he'll come up on the 22nd instead, unless he decides to follow my advice in the matter and cancel the thing that came in between and come with me on the 19th.
So since there's so much to celebrate this week, and so little time to go out, we went out today.
At first my husband tried to drag me into an ecologic western restaurant, but I really didn't want western food today and definitely not ecologic because I was fed up with that in high school, and I eat western food 5 times per week at work in my lunch break. So after deciding that restaurant we first went to smelled nothing better than the cafeteria at work, along with being in an area of downtown I absolutely HATE, we decided to go to one of our standard places, but on our way there we went past this little Korean BBQ place and it looked really nice so we went in there and OMG it was great!
We ordered Korean BBQ and had our own little gas grill on the table, and got some kimchi, salad, rice and sauce, and some filet of beef and vegetables to grill. So you could say we cooked our own dinner, just didn't have to prepare it. And the taste was amazing! It was my first time trying Korean food except for a noodle dish with black bean sauce I had in China 3 years ago. But I'm addicted now! Next time my husband and I go to China we are so going to a Korean BBQ restaurant at least once! And we have to go to a Teppanyaki restaurant too! We tried Teppanyaki in Beijing in may and it was one of the most delicious things I've ever tried.

Here in Copenhagen there's not many restaurants that has the real taste of Asian foods. It's always changed a bit to fit the taste here. Even the few restaurants which does have authentic menu has minor changes compared to if having the same kind of dish in China, and there's not ONE Chinese restaurant here which doesn't have at least one dish with sweet and sour sauce (which doesn't exist in China) and at least one dish with deep fried pork/chicken/beef/prawn. I only know of 2 restaurants in Copenhagen that serves Beijing duck and that has to be pre-ordered and it's a requirement to be at least 4 people and it costs a fortune per person!

On another note. I've found the Gourmet King twice today when playing Restaurant City. My friend in Singapore has become an expert in finding the Gourmet King by now, but unfortunately one can only claim 2 things from the king per day so I have to remember to hit the link tomorrow for a couple of things :/ And day after tomorrow... I've already gotten my 2 things from the Gourmet King today, and my friend has found him 6 times in a day or two now!

Oh wow, long post today. But the night is young. 10pm now and I'm too stressed up about that letter so I can't sleep yet :(

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