Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas abstinence...

What can I say. Christmas 2009 has been one of my best in my 24 years. We had a white Christmas for the first time since 2001 and I spent Christmas at my parents place, with my husband, parents and grandmother and my cat of course. It just couldn't have been any better.
The gingerbread cookies I made last week were perfection, they had the exact right taste, color and texture as gingerbread cookies should have and they soaked up the milk exactly like they should. So delicious!
The glazed ham this Christmas was really good too!

Yesterday I finished my gingerbread cookies mum sent with us when my husband and I went back home on Sunday. And as I stood there having my last home made cookies, it hit me: I won't feel that flavor again in about 51 weeks! Sure, I can buy factory made cookies in the supermarket, but it's just not the same! And sure, I can make gingerbread cookies any time of the year, but it just won't be the same! They should be baked and enjoyed with Christmas lights around you!
And I won't get to see the wonderful Christmas tree at home again until December 23rd 2010! I only got to enjoy it for 5 days this year.

I love the flavors of Christmas, and all the lights, and the cozy atmosphere when sitting with your family with all the lights around, listening to Christmas carols which hasn't been overplayed in the radio, watching Christmas movies- especially the ones from Disney.

I miss all of it now... Yesterday when I had that one last cookie, I felt depressed and even started crying. Everything just hit me.

Will next Christmas be just as good? Will everyone be gathered again? Only time will tell, but I sure hope 2010 will be like this Christmas has been.

That being said. I'm not really looking forward to the new year. I can't help feeling anxious about what 2010 will bring, and I can't help feeling old because I'll be 25 in October...

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