Saturday, April 13, 2013

At war against the Alder...

Well, I found the name of the damn tree that's doing its best to kill me with its yellow sneezing powder aka pollen! It's Alder! And oh my do I suffer at the moment, my nose is a disaster, eyes are runny and my throat feels like I've been swallowing gravel (throat feels very irritated and almost as if I have cracks in it). I sound like I'm having a bad cold from hell, but it's 100% allergy!
The irony is that I've taken my allergy medicines for over a month already, and still getting this bad allergy now and the Alder levels are just low to moderate in my area, had it been high levels I'd probably be in hospital now. I will have to call my doctor on Monday and ask for a Betamethasone prescription to deal with this allergy, I should probably have called today but seeing Betamethasone and the likes aren't vitamins, especially not when you have a connective tissue disorder, I have wanted to wait as long as possible before hitting the strong steroids. Just hope I can get through this weekend without any trips to the urgent care or ER due to the allergy, yes I am that bad right now, heavy breathing and all.
I've had pollen allergy since my early teens and in the beginning my issues were very mild and it was manageable, sadly my allergy has just gotten worse with each year and since 2010 I have required steroids to manage the symptoms somewhat. Guess I'm only a couple of years away from having to consider the allergy shots to hopefully become less sensitive to the pollen I'm allergic to. Alder, Birch and grass are my worst ones but I have allergy issues throughout the whole season from late winter until they quit mowing the lawn in autumn...

I'd better try to get some sleep, I didn't get more than a short nap (less than 2 hours in total) last night, and have a busy weekend ahead. Baking the birthday cake when I wake up. I'm really feeling worse than shit at the moment but will try my best to get everything done that I need to do before Sunday, and then of course, try to get enough sleep tomorrow night so I'm feeling somewhat okay on Sunday.

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