Thursday, April 11, 2013

Spring seems to have sprung, and the biological warfare has begun...

As mum and I were outside with my cat Nisse yesterday, we saw a real spring sign outside, we spotted blooming dandelions! It's also getting warmer outside and being outdoors is rather pleasant temperature wise and weather wise.
However, it's more than us humans who likes the warmer weather, I am of course talking about the trees outside, they burst with joy over the sunshine and warmer weather, releasing their yellow powder of mass sneezing!
Yup, I'm already pretty badly affected by my pollen allergy, and that's just with low to medium levels of Hazel and another tree not even Google translate could find the name of. I'm having a sore throat and this morning when I woke up, my nose was full of what felt like wallpaper glue! A cold you may think, but no, I do get this way from allergy, it behaves a bit like a cold but without feeling sick like I do when being down with a cold. With pollen allergy I get out of breath very easily and my nose doesn't really get runny, I get the wallpaper glue instead. I've taken antihistamines for over a month already to be well prepared for the sneazon also known as spring, but seems I will need to add Betamethasone within the next week anyways. My nose got slightly better today after starting with the fluticasone nasal spray again, which also indicates it's allergy and not a cold I'm having. The fatigue is pretty bad as well, which also indicates allergy. I kinda wish the trees would have waited with their war until after my mum's birthday party on Sunday as I need as much energy as possible on Sunday and next week as I have so much going on.

Other than sneezing along, life is rolling and I've had a great chat with my Chronically Awesome friends again tonight. It's so nice to have a safe haven to just talk with others, no judgement, just talking and listening, supporting each other and share experiences. There's no comparing illnesses or competition who's the most ill. It's just supportive and I always feel it would be amazing to meet everyone in person one day!
At the moment I'm just writing this post, while smiling when thinking back on the chat earlier :)

The picture is of one of the dandelions I found yesterday!

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