Monday, April 8, 2013

Quite the week ahead

Facing a pretty busy week this coming week. Going to drive mum to her hand surgeon appointment tomorrow, mum has a trigger finger (which is funny seeing she's never even held a toy gun) and I told her months ago it was trigger finger, it was later confirmed by my hand occupational therapist when I told her about my mum's finger, and the diagnose was then later confirmed in person by the company doctor who sent the referral to see the hand surgeon.
I've told mum all along (and my occupational therapist agrees) that mum needs to see an occupational therapist more than anything else, and she needs a night splint made for her, similar to the splints I wear at night. Think I'd better go with her to see the surgeon even, and not just wait in the waiting room as I know more about these things than mum does.
After the appointment, mum and I will go shopping a bit in town, mum is turning 60 on Sunday so we're going to buy some things for the party, and just generally have a look around and be out and about a bit. I'm going to be the pastry chef for the party so I'm planning on how to decorate the cake which will be a big rectangular one since it's easier to handle than several round ones and we'll be maybe around 20-30 people at the party. We know what to put between the layers of the cake, but still drawing the decorations in my mind, and I'm also making plans for a lactose free or even dairy free cake for my mum's cousin if she comes too, she's allergic but we don't know if it's just lactose or if it's milk protein so if she's coming I'm making a special cake for her with either lactose free cream or soy based cream depending on if it's lactose or the protein she's allergic too. I'm also planning for a sugar free cake option in case my aunt's boyfriend is coming as he's an insulin dependent type two diabetic. Will ask beforehand though if he wants a sugar free option or if he's fine with the regular, if he's coming.
When having guests with special needs for medical reasons, I always make sure there's something they can have so they don't feel forgotten.
Before the birthday cake, there will be a savory cake, you cut it like a regular cake but it's like a big sandwich with various filling and topping. Again there, thinking up a lactose or dairy free option in case it's needed. The big savory sandwich cakes will be ordered from a bakery but the lactose or dairy free will be prepared at home, and the birthday cake will be made from scratch at home.
I normally end up helping out a lot with cooking and baking when my parents are having guests for one reason or another, it's fun and I'm pretty good at baking and cooking, and with me doing that part, it gives mum more time to plan and prepare other things.
Dad is still coughing a lot from the cold he had three weeks ago now, so mum and I are pulling the load so he can rest up more before the weekend. Told him today that he should call the clinic in the morning because prescription free cough medicines aren't helping for him, he needs something better. He's coughing so much he doesn't get to sleep much at all at night and the sleep deprivation probably slows down the recovery. I often find I recover from a bug faster if I'm less symptomatic and kinda sleep it off.
Looking forwards to tomorrow's trip into town and the weekend, will be fun to meet many of my relatives and family friends at mum's birthday party.
Also really looking forward to Wednesday as that means another evening of talking with my Chronically Awesome friends!

Oh, and on another note, I'm getting really stable in my wheelchair now so will start bumping down curbs on the back wheels any day now! I can already do it on low enough curbs where the anti tip wheels doesn't get in the way, but most of the time they do get in the way so taking them off real soon. My occupational therapist won't like it, but heck, once you learn how to bike, you take off the small support wheels, I consider wheelchair and anti tip wheels being the same or very similar as learning to bike- once you learn to be balanced and not depend on the anti tip wheels to catch you, there's no use having them on as long as you have enough stability and balance in your body. I've been on the anti tip wheels maybe twice in the past 2.5 weeks and only relied on them on the first day in my wheelchair really. Now I can have a 2L bottle of Cola in a backpack on the backrest and wheel through town freely without tipping backwards uncontrolled, I'm able to jump up a curb without stopping etc, with said cola bottle in the backpack, and having anything "heavy" on the backrest makes the wheelchair more tippy than its normal, and still, not even then do I "need" the anti tip wheels :)

Oh well, long post, busy tomorrow ahead and just past 4am so I should try to kick some insomnia butt and catch some sleep!

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