Tuesday, April 2, 2013

My personal experience with the Mirena hormone coil

I had this coil fitted on February 18th and I was having a very minor bleeding the days before, as in having period starting, and after I had the coil fitted, I bled for a month, I've had maybe a week without bleeding and now I'm bleeding AGAIN! I'm also still suffering with severe stabbing pain in my lower abdomen and I know it's the coil causing it because I didn't have that kind of pain before it was fitted, except for when I had period cramps from natural reasons.
My experience with this coil this far is that this coil is nothing but a medieval torturing device that I wouldn't recommend anyone with EDS, based on my own experience with it and from what I've heard others with EDS say about it. Everything the gynecologists has said to me about this coil has been utter bullshit! The coil hasn't helped me a fucking shit and has made me bleed more and longer than I did on Cerazette minipills, along with being in an intolerable amount of pain from the coil, I have enough pain from the EDS as it is, thank you very much!
My experience this far in with the coil has only been everything I feared it would be: A life with sanitary pads 24/7 and PAIN PAIN PAIN!
I've been asked to give it until May before I make the final verdict about the coil, but as I told the gynecologist last week who asked me to give it until May: I seriously don't know if I'll last that long with this medieval torture device in me!
I seriously have enough pain from just the EDS, it's enough with joints and surrounding muscles hurting as if I've been continuously hit by a train. I have more than enough pain to deal with without this extra pain coming from a foreign object in me!
I'm not having this device for contraceptive reasons, but if I did, it would work pretty damn well because I don't even want to think about sex when having this much pain in my lower abdomen, and I'd definitely not want to have sex while having period.
I'm having this device to control my periods, and it's doing absolutely nothing else than making me bleed and making me want to just rip everything out once and for all!
For me having the physical ability (as in having my female organs and periods) to carry a baby serves absolutely no purpose to me as I'm never going to have biological children, partly because of my own physical condition as it is already, and partly because I don't want to risk having a child inheriting EDS from me and maybe be more severely affected already from a young age. Taking that into consideration, I'd probably be better off with an ablation or even a hysterectomy if the coil doesn't settle soon and completely removes my periods. I do not need the ability to become pregnant, nor do I want it! I'd gladly give that ability to someone who doesn't have it but want children.

I'd better take some OxyNorm now, the coil is very painful tonight, like it wasn't supposed to be, and of course, keeping me awake with a wonderful painsomnia.

Women: Don't get fooled to try this damned coil unless you want to try it! I regret having it fitted and in my case, several gynecologists have been WRONG!

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