Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Battling fatigue

Apart from the pain caused by EDS, fatigue is another constant battle in my life. I never feel well rested and even minor tasks can make me feel very fatigued, especially if already having a bad day.
Today hasn't been the best of days. Painsomnia kept me awake until about 6 this morning and my sleep once I fell asleep was far from good quality sleep, which sadly has been the case for several days now. And when I woke up today, something felt really wrong high up in my thoracic spine and left shoulder blade, a lot of pain and just feeling wrong. It's still very painful but at least I can move my left arm better now.
I had to run a couple of errands this afternoon and before I went out, I felt a bit odd and checked my resting heart rate which at that time was at 93, and I had been resting for quite long at the time, when I went to the bathroom shortly after my legs were just shaking and I began feeling as if I was about to pass out and for a while I did consider calling mum to ask her to go with me, but decided that I'd be fine thanks to having the wheelchair and having my phone with me.
I got to my local clinic to pick up a couple of documents and then needed to pick up some medicines at the pharmacy, when it was my turn at the pharmacy my pharmacist said I looked very tired so I told her I nearly passed out just before leaving home. She kept talking with me for a bit as the pharmacy wasn't busy at the time and by the time I had gotten my medicines, she said I had more color in my face again and I was feeling a tad bit better by the time I left the pharmacy. Been feeling very tired and fatigued since I got back home though, but at least I can just rest as much as I need when I'm at home.
I'm fighting chronic fatigue constantly, but due to poor sleep quality and painsomnia for the past few days, mostly caused by pain from the hormone coil, the fatigue has been worse than usual and the only reason I'm able to go outside on my own at the moment is because I'm in my wheelchair outside. Had I not had the wheelchair now, dad would have had to drive me today, I was in no fit state to drive myself nor would it have been safe to walk.
Chronic fatigue is a very common side issue with EDS, many of us with EDS also suffer from chronic fatigue that may at times be close to paralyzing.
Sometimes the fatigue is what's most difficult to deal with when living with EDS, pain can be managed and joints can be put back in place or kept in place by bracing, but the fatigue... It doesn't matter how much you rest or how much you sleep, the fatigue is there anyways and some days are worse than others.

Feeling the ramble head hitting me now, along with a not very nice headache. Kinda feeling again as if I'm about to pass out too...

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